Chapter 8: Relationship found

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TW// swearing, mentions of death
This has Skephalo, bits of 5undy (Maybe)

With Wilbur, Skeppy, and TapL

WIlbur walked up to Skeppy, he was talking with TapL, showing him how to put the rubber band on the contraption correctly. "Hey Skeppy."

Skeppy turned around, "Yeah Wilbur?" TapL gave a small scream, followed by a sharp snapping sound.

Skeppy turned back to TapL, the rubber band have snapped. "TapL!"

"Sorry Skeppy, I think we need a longer band." TapL said.

Skeppy sighed, "Alright then." he went over to a small container labelled 'Rubber bands' and opened it.

Wilbur gave Skeppy a crown like object, "Found this in your room. I need you to explain." It had flowers on one end and two strings of pearls on front, making an arch. The flowers were red.

Skeppy looked at it, "I made it." he lied, feeling bad taking credit in making it.

Wilbur lifted his eyebrow. "Really? I never knew you can make these."

TapL could see that Skeppy was lying, he was sweating a bit. "Skeppy are you sure you made it?"

Skeppy glanced at TapL, "I'm sure TapL." he said then looking down at his lap.

Wilbur gave a smirk, "So you were lying to me the entire time?" he shook his head, "Shameful." he looked at the crown.

Skeppy looked up at Wilbur, "Well what should I do? Say that I'm with Bad-" he then put his hands over his mouth, realizing what he just said.

TapL got up. "You're with Bad?!"

Skeppy stood up. "No I'm not."

"Then why did you say that?" TapL asked.

Wilbur lifted an eyebrow, "Oh? So you won't mind if I break this then?" he placed the crown on the ground and lifted up his foot.

Skeppy looked at the crown in horror, "Don't break it!" he exclaimed. "I'm with Badboyhalo alright!"

Wilbur looked at Skeppy, he picked up the crown. "So Bad made it?"

Skeppy nodded. "Yes."

Wilbur still held onto the crown, "For how long?" he asked. "How long were you two together?"

Skeppy became frustrated. "Why do you want to know you little bitch?"

Wilbur stared at him, TapL backed away, "Really having the guts to talk to me like that?" Wilbur said.

Skeppy gave a smile, "Well what do you expect? Me to back down?" he said. "You know me Wil, I don't back down."

TapL stood between them both. "Alright you two, cut it out, you are both acting like children."

Suddenly, Skeppy shoved him into Wilbur, causing Wilbur to catch him.

Eret stepped in the room, after hearing the commotion from downstairs. "What is going on here?!"

They saw Skeppy making sure Wilbur and TapL were on the ground (yes it escalated quickly-) "Skeppy!" he yelled. "Get off of those two!"

Skeppy glanced at Eret, "Not the time, Alastair!" calling Eret by his real name.

Wilbur looked at Eret, mouthing 'get Fundy' to him. Skeppy noticed.

"Don't you dare get Fundy, Eret! I will make sure you are in the same position as these two!" Skeppy said, giving Eret a mean look.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now