Chapter 21: Is anyone even safe anymore?

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{TW// swearing, mentions of injury, Fair aggression (During the 'Foolish' situation)
Ships: 5undy, implied ranbbo
My writing skills are just out of the window, sorry if this is formatted weird}

[Next day]

Punz and Hannah were forced to make peace with the Scars and Smiles. They didn't really have a choice, if they didn't stop the right, Fundy said, then they were going to 'pay the price'.

With little to no choice, Punz and Hannah agreed. They both didn't like it but it's mostly because the 'treaty' said that 'No one from each group will be hurt by the others in the same group'. Even though it was technically targeted to HPS, Wilbur wasn't happy about it, since, you know, he doesn't like 5up.

Fundy laid down in bed, questioning everything (Hey I relate to that :D /hj)

"Fundy?" 5up went up to him, "You okay?" He was obviously concerned.

Fundy sat up. "Yeah, I'm okay, just tired."

"This is why you don't wake up so early if you can't!" 5up lectured. "You know you can't sleep well."

"I just wanted to be early." Fundy looked away. "I wanted to see you, to make sure you were okay."

5up looked at him, with a little guilt, "Oh." He went on the bed with Fundy, sitting next to him. "Sorry I-"

"No, no, it's okay 5up." Fundy said, giving a reassuring smile.

"It's just weird you are willing to make sure that I'm okay." 5up said.

"If Wilbur is still hurting you, I will make sure he will get it back." Fundy said.

5up gave a small laugh. "It's fine Fundy."

Fundy looked at 5up. "You do realize I- like you, right?"

5up looked at Fundy, in somewhat shock. "Well, yeah, but-"

Fundy looked away in embarrassment. "Just didn't know how it will work out since of the entire 'war' situation."

5up hugged Fundy, "It's okay Fundy! I understand!" He turned away slightly. "I like you too."

Fundy gave a small laugh, "I'm aware of that." He ruffled his hair. "You showed it during the early times of the war."

"I know!" 5up said, giving, as well, a small laugh.

"Fundy?" A voice said, that sounded very like Ranboo's.

"Yes Ranboo?" Fundy looked up.

"Do you have anything that- Tubbo gave you?" Ranboo asked, slightly choked with tears.

"Uh- I do, but why? Do you need them?" Fundy responded, a bit confused.

"No, I don't- But uh-" Ranboo rubbed his arm. "Just- was wondering."

"You don't seem like yourself Ranboo." Fundy said, getting off the bed and walking up to him.

"No, no, I'm fine!" Ranboo said. He felt a bit guilty for lying.

"Ranboo, you don't need to lie, tell me the truth." Fundy said. "I won't be mad."

Ranboo just looked at him. "I just wanted to know since I- haven't seen anything from Tubbo that I remember of."

Fundy felt symphony for him, just didn't know how to express it. "He has Ranboo, you- want to look?"

"No, it's fine Fundy, I'll be fine." Ranboo nervously laughed.

Fundy looked at Ranboo with sadness as he (Ranboo) walked back downstairs. "He's been off lately."

"He's probably still upset about Tubbo being gone, maybe give him some time?" 5up said, standing next to him.

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