Chapter 13: Day 3, a hunt. Manhunt?

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TW// swearing, blood, injuries
Ships: New ship acquired: Platonic Deoinnit (Thank you for the suggestion), hints of Puffychu, Awesamponk, Skephalo and Ranbbo

"You sure this is a good idea?" Skeppy asked as Hannah was giving him a different hair style.

Hannah chuckled and nodded, "I'm sure Skep." she ruffled Skeppy's hair. "This good?"

Skeppy looked at his hair. "I like my old hair, but this is fine."

Hannah thought for a bit. "Should we make your hair back to normal?"

Skeppy shook his head. "With what state my hair is in, it will take a bit of time to do that."

Hannah nodded, "Alright." he looked at Skeppy's outfit. "I think we should change your outfit."

Skeppy became excited. "Do you have stuff that gives an 'E-boy' vibe?"

Hannah chuckled, "You can ask Purpled, he's pretty good with an 'E-boy' vibe." she knew that Purpled had a slight E-boy phase last year.

Skeppy looked at Hannah. "Are you insulting him?"

Hannah shook her head. "He had a slight 'E-boy' phase last year."

Skeppy tilted his head. "Still don't know if you're insulting him."

"She's not, "Purpled said, "You need help with an outfit." he walked in Hannah's room.

Hannah smiled. "It's fine."

Purpled thought for a bit, thinking about what should Skeppy wear, "I have an idea." he finally said.

"Yeah?" Skeppy said.

Purpled ran to his room to get the stuff.

Hannah cracked a small smile.

"Back!" Purpled ran in with some clothes, "I'm pretty sure they fit you." He handed them to Skeppy.

Skeppy became more excited, "Thanks Purpled!" he went to the bathroom to change.

Hannah laughed. "He likes to experiment with certain vibes/styles sometimes."

Purpled chuckled. "I can tell."

Skeppy came out from the bathroom, "Nice sense off fashion Purpled." He said, giving a thumbs up.

Purpled gave a small smile. "Thanks Skep."

Skeppy was wearing a black shirt with Tokyo in Japanese with a black jacket and gray pants with a sliver chain dangling from it.

"Pog!" Hannah said.

"Not bad, if I say so myself." Purpled said, smiling.

Punz walked in. "Sorry to interrupt, but we captured someone."

"Who?" Hannah asked.

"He wouldn't say anything, he did say that he is in his twenties but that's it." Punz responded.

"Can I see them?!" Purpled said excitedly.

Punz nodded. "You can, just no hurting them."

Purpled nodded excitedly. "Okay! Where are they?"

"Follow me." Punz said.

They both headed out as Hannah was figuring out what should Skeppy's undercover name should be.

"Ace?" Hannah said.

Skeppy shook his head. "What about Kyle?"

"Kai?" Hannah suggested.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now