Chapter 15: A death, with blood (Pt. 2)

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TW// death, swearing, blood, mentions on scars, injuries and su!c!de
Ships: bit of platonic deoinnit and Tubboo
Probably has some fluff and angst, you find out :)

Smiles base, 3:00 pm, kitchen/living room

"Punz, you sure he's at the Scars base?" Dream asked, talking on the phone with Punz.

"I'm for sure." Punz replied.

"Alright, let me know when he comes back."

"K, see ya."

"So, you think Foolish is siding with Fundy?" George asked when Dream was done talking with Punz.

"Yeah, well-" Dream started saying.

"Tommy!" Deo said, chasing him. "What's with you stealing things?"

"Can't get me!" Tommy shouted, running away.

Tommy and Deo ran past Dream and George, they both ran upstairs with the sounds of a faint banging.

"Those two." Dream sighed.

"it's just them messing around." George said, trying to calm Dream down.

Sapnap then went up to Dream. "I feel like Fundy's group is coming?"

Dream looked at him. "Why do you say that?"

"Don't really know, I feel like he's coming." Sapnap responded, unsure how to explain it.

There was then a gunshot from the Arsenal, followed by a short scream.

Bad came running out. "They're here."

"I knew it!" Sapnap said.

"Alright, let's just go." Dream said. He turned towards the stairs. "GET READY!"

Schlatt burst through the 'entrance' of the Arsenal. "Nice to see you again, Dream."

"George, run." Dream said.

George quickly ran off.

Sapnap noticed more people coming in. "Dream..."

Dream took out his sword around his waist. "Go."

"No, it's risky." Sapnap said, surprised.

"Just get everyone- Ack!" Dream said, then getting hit with something and falling over, dropping his sword.

"Funny how you're willing to do this." Fundy said, placing his foot on Dream's head.

"Sapnap go!" Dream yelled. Sapnap quickly ran away.

"Accepting death?" Fundy said as Schlatt, Wilbur and Jack went to find the other members.

"Not like you can anyway." Dream said, He looked at Fundy.

"Well, you can shut up now." Fundy said. He turned to Eret, who just arrived." Find him."

Eret ran to find 'him', which was a code for George, since it's a vague pronoun.

Dream reached for his sword, but Fundy picked it up instead.

"Nice sword Dream." Fundy said, caressing the blade slightly lovingly.

Dream looked at him, he knocked Fundy over, but he stayed up. "My sword Fundy."

Quackity came in the area, "Dream run!" he shot a gun, and the bullet went in Fundy's arm.

"Ack!" Fundy covered the wound with his hand as Dream and Quackity ran off.

"Ponk?" Fundy shouted out; he removed his hand to see blood dripping off.

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