Chapter 2: First traitor found

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Tw// swearing
This includes some awesamponk (awesamdude x Ponk)

"We have arrived!" Techno said

"God it felt like we've been on the road for an hour!" Tommy said stretching

Sam bit his lip "I think Ponk is going to wake up soon."

Technoblade unfastened his seatbelt and turned off the engine. "Then let's get inside"

Sam pick Ponk up, trying his best not to wake him up.

Technoblade took out a walkie talkie.

"Where in the fuck did you get that?!" Tommy said, surprised.

Techno shrugged, "dream gave me one"

As they were walking towards the door, Techno put the walkie talkie near his mouth and spoke in it.

T: "Dream you there?"

A response was given back a few seconds later.

D: "Yeah?"

"We'll get some more rope and a chair, we have Ponk."

"Still knocked out?"

"Yeah but Sam said that he may wake up soon."

"HELLO BITCH BOY" Tommy yelled in the walkie talkie

Techno was unamused, "Tommy do that again or I'll drop kick you."

Tommy backed away, "Uh, see you inside Techno!" Then he ran to the door.

Techno chuckled. "Oh Tommy." Then he continued walking, Sam behind him, speed walking.

Techno and Sam walked through the door and saw Dream standing at the door.

"Why hello you two!" Dream said in a cheerful voice. "Sam, why don't you put Ponk in th chair over there?" He pointed to a chair near his room. "There is some rope near it, so make sure you tie him to the chair."

Sam nodded his head a hustled to the door.

Dream turned back to Techno, who was looking at his watch.

"So why did you say 'bitch boy' to me?" Dream said, lifting up his eyebrow.

Techno shook his head "I didn't say it. Tommy did."

Dream wasn't convinced, he turned around a yelled out Tommy's real name, indicating that he may be in trouble. "THOMAS SIMONS YOU GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"

Tommy ran over to Dream and said, "Hello Bossman." Trying not to laugh.

Dream shoot his head. "You called me a 'bitch boy' didn't you?"

Tommy looked at Techno, who just shrugged, then back at Dream, then looked down.

Dream tapped with his foot (okay that grammar though-) and that's when Tommy confessed.

"Ok fine I did! I was just annoyed that you didn't give or told me about the walkie talkies."

Dream laughed then ruffled Tommy's hair, "Next time, don't call me that over the walkie talkie. In the meantime, find Quackity, he's been out on his mission for a while. He's at *insert street name here*"

Tommy nodded, "I'll do that right now!" then ran out the door.

Techno looked at the door. "i'm going to find Tubbo and Ranboo, see you Dream!" and walked out the door.

"HEY WHAT IN THE WORLD-" Sam shouted from Dream's room.

Dream ran over to where the shouting came from. "He saw Ponk standing up with a knife in his hand, and Sam on the floor, bleeding.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now