Chapter 10: A search

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TW// mentions of death, blood, war and kidnapping, swearing
ships: a bit of 5undy and skephalo (There is a lot of friendship dynamic in this chapter, please ask me in the comment section if you're unsure :])

After hearing the news, Fundy thanked the woman on the other end and hanged up.

"God dang it Skeppy, you are going to get hurt." Fundy mumbled. He stood up. He then checked the time on his phone, "5:09" he said. Fundy sighed and walked to the kitchen.

Wilbur noticed Fundy, "Hey Fundy! Come on and eat!" he gave him a friendly smile and a wave, so did Schlatt, who rarely does it, let alone both at the same time.

Fundy smiled back, "It's fine, Wil." he said. He glanced at TapL, unsure if he should tell him the news about Skeppy.

Jack noticed Fundy looking at him, remembering that Fundy knew sign language since he took classes for it in high school, did a hand sign for him to talk to him. Fundy noticed it.

"Is something wrong?" Jack whispered to Fundy when he arrived. Fundy shook his head, "Not really." he got up and went over to TapL. "I need to talk to you."

TapL nodded and got up.

Eret noticed TapL getting up, "You need to do something to TapL, Fundy?" he asked

Fundy nodded slowly, "Yep." he adjusted  TapL's leaf clip, which made Eret and Sam looked with slight interest but looked away. "It wasn't on correctly." Fundy said, giving a smile to him. "Let's go." 

5up looked at TapL, feeling jealousy growing in him. He then buried his face in his slightly greasy hands, "No, no no, he's just adjusting his clip, nothing more." 5up mumbled.

Just then Fundy walked up to 5up, "Take a wet wipe 5up." Fundy said, handing him a wet wipe. "Don't put your hands on your face, especially if they're greasy."

5up looked at Fundy, he just gave a slight smile at 5up, his hair fading from orange to white, thanks to having fox genes. 5up started slightly blushing, both of embarrassment (And because, to him, he looked hot 👀) "Uh- Th-thank you-" he took the wipe. 

Fundy chuckled, "No problem 5up." he went upstairs, TapL followed him.

Eret, even though they are fairly unsure about enemies dating each other, found 5up speaking to Fundy fairly comical, "Jealous?" he said to 5up.

5up looked at Eret, "haha, nice joke." he said nervously.

With TapL & Fundy

"So, why did you want to talk?" TapL asked Fundy.

Fundy gave a sigh. "It's about Skeppy."

TapL, going worst case scenario, was upset, "Wait! He- Died?" he said.

Fundy shook his head, "No, not that." he stared at TapL, who calmed down a bit. "He- Somehow escaped."

TapL looked at him in bewilderment. "What?"

Fundy nodded, "I don't know how but-" Fundy just then stopped talking.

TapL looked at Fundy. "But what?..."

"SHIT!" Fundy yelled, he got up and threw his hat in frustration. He collapsed on the3 ground but then got up but not standing.

TapL went up to him, "Fundy?" he said softly. "You alright?"

Fundy just looked at the ground. "D-" he let out. "D-Dream will get him."

TapL looked at Fundy. "Can we find him first?"

Fundy sighed. "George and Karl knows Skeppy's route more than he does, so they can just use that and use that to their advantage."

TapL got up, "Well-" he gave a slight smile. "Why don't we just, sabotage them? I mean- You can mess with their systems." 

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