Chapter 17: A so called 'peace treaty'

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TW// Swearing, mentions of death
Ships: tell me since I'm really tried :[

The news about Tubbo's death spread quickly from the Scars base to HPS, however only two people in HPS were widely affected, Foolish and Skeppy. In fact, Punz and Hannah seemed to be the only ones to be not even affected.

"Well, looks like someone's dead again." Punz told Hannah, looking up from their phone. "And now Dream's requiring us to go the 'peace deal'."

"Are you kidding me?" Hannah looked at Punz. "We didn't even cause, or even take part of death!"

Punz sighed. "I know but Dream's making us bring Foolish as well, to prove that we stopped torturing him."

"Tch. Why would we? He helped Fundy and almost made them succeed in killing George, he should really thank us." Hannah sighed.

Punz shrugged, "You get Skeppy as I get Foolish?" They hid a small smile.

Hannah rolled her eyes. "What about we both get Foolish?"

Punz was about to respond when Callahan tugged on Punz's jacket, "P-Punz?" He stuttered; afraid he didn't speak correctly.

Punz gave a small smile, indicating that Callahan said their name correctly, "Yes Callahan?" They mouthed.

Callahan looked down, unsure what to say and scared. He took out a notepad and quickly wrote down 'Can I go to Skeppy, I know where he is.' and showed it to Punz and Hannah.

Hannah nodded. She gave a thumbs up and Callahan smiled, "Make sure you tell him to get ready too, alright?" Hannah slowly said, and Callahan nodded then went off to Skeppy.

"Alright, let's go to Foolish." Punz said and they both headed to where they kept Foolish.

The same place where they kept Skeppy in the past...

Foolish POV

My vision wasn't getting any better, I should've expected that. Punz did knock me out, so I guess it makes sense.

I gave a small laugh, funny how they forget I can easily defeat them, but of course they would figure out a way to not let me.

Then heard footsteps, "Must be Punz and Hannah." I mumbled. I looked p and I was correct, Punz and Hannah were looking right at me.

"How was your stay here?" Punz said, giving a smile at me as Hannah reached for something in her jacket pocket.

"Terrible if I HAD to be honest." I replied, angry at my own boss teasing me like this.

Hannah handed me a tissue and bandages. "Since we are forced to bring you, you better look like we haven't hurt you in the past few hours."

I looked at Hannah, and blinked at her like I didn't understand, "Wait what?" That was probably a bad thing to say and do.

Hannah looked at me with unamusement, "Did you listen?" Her slightly wavey hair was now annoying me.

"I listened." I noticed Punz's hand having something in it.

"Punz, put it away." Hannah said, now looking at Punz.

"Hannah, please?" Punz pleaded. The item in their hand was a pocketknife, the one they always carry around.

"Punz, put it away now." Hannah said with more force.

Punz gave a sigh and put it away.

"We'll come back to get you in about 10 minutes, alright?" Hannah said, changing the subject.

I nodded and they then both left.

"Fucking why did I have to do this?" I mumbled. Looks like I have to get ready and clean up all these scars they gave me.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now