Chapter 6: A Dream? Or a Nightmare?

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tw// swearing
Ships: karlnapity, Dreamnotfound, platonic Ranbbo (Ranboo x Tubbo), puffychu (I am aware that Niki is not okay with shipping her in real life, so this is shipping technically C!niki x C! Puffy)

In the morning, with the Smiles

"Oh wake up~" Dream said.

Ranboo looked at him, "Shush, Tubbo is still sleeping." he looked down at Tubbo, who was asleep on his chest.

Dream looked at Ranboo and sighed, "Fine, 20 more minutes." he looked at Tubbo, "I'll wake you both up after 20 minutes." he walked out of the room.

Ranboo then pat Tubbo's head and lightly stroked his ears, "I'll protect you no matter what." he whispered, he then fell back asleep.


"Good morning love!" George said, getting a juice box out of the fridge. "How did you sleep?" he gave Dream a kiss on the cheek when he saw him.

Dream chuckled. "It wasn't bad, how was yours love?"

George smiled, "It was fine."  he looked at Dream. "What do you want for breakfast? Me, Bad, Karl are going to make something."

Dream shrugged. "Surprise us. I need to wake up everyone else anyway."

George opened some bacon from the freezer. "Alright! I'm going to get started. Can you wake up Bad and Karl for me first?"

Dream laughed. "Sure! Don't forget to not only cook bacon, I don't think Techno will be happy."

George looked at the bacon, "Alright!" he went over to the fridge to see if there is anything they can make for Techno.

Dream walked to Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl's room.

Karl and Quackity walked out, "Oh hey Dream!" Karl said waving.

Dream walked pass them. "Hey Karl and Q! George woke up and is making breakfast.

Karl ran to the kitchen, "Oh Honk! I forgot about that!." Quackity ran after him. "Karlos wait up!"

"Weird." Dream thought. "Sapnap always wakes up first."

Sapnap stepped out of the room, "Karl! Quackity! You know I can't walk!" he shuffle to the kitchen.

Dream looked at Sapnap. "Huh?"

Sapnap looked at the confused male, "No, non no. We didn't do that, Karl and Q slept on my legs so I can't walk." he tripped. "Can you help."

Dream giggled then started started wheezing his tea kettle wheeze, "Stop laughing!" Sapnap said, annoyed. "A-Alright!" Dream said through his laughter.

Sapnap gave a pout. "I hate you."

Dream picked Sapnap up, "I'm going to get killed by Quackity for doing this." he said.

Sapnap looked at Dream, unamused, he said. "You can just hold my hand or put me on your shoulders instead of doing this?"

Dream looked at Sapnap "Yeah.." he put Sapnap down.

"Morning Clay! Morning Nick!" Bad said, walking by.

Sapnap gave a small wave, "Morning Dad!" he smiled a bit.

Dream looked at Sapnap. "Why do you call him dad again?"

Sapnap gave an unamused looked again. "I see him as a father?"

Dream laughed. "Oh yeah.."

Sapnap shook his head, "I'm going to check on Big Q and Karl." he walked to the kitchen.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now