Chapter 14: Day 4, death, maybe (Pt. 1)

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Tw// Swearing, mentions of death

Scar's base, 10:00 am, Wilbur and Schlatt's room

"Wilbur, what's with your hatred against 5up anyway?" Schlatt asked, jumping down from the upper bunk. "Almost every single time 5up or Fundy go up to each other and flirt, you give 5up a mean look."

Wilbur took off a blue duck pin that was on the 'white streak' of his hair, but he didn't respond.

"Why do you still have the pin Quackity gave you?" Schlatt said, curious.

"Well, I do." Wilbur responded. "But he made it, so I kept it."

Schlatt looked at Wilbur. "Why don't you let Fundy be with 5up? Since you still have Quackity's pin."

"That's different Schlatt." Wilbur replied, getting up and placing the pin on the nightstand.

"How is it different?!" Schlatt argued. "You used to date a Smile, so you won't let Fundy-"

"USED!" Wilbur interrupted. "I fucking dated Quackity in Junior year of high school! I probably would've allowed Fundy to date 5up! But no! All this stuff that is going on doesn't want me to let him!"

Schlatt looked directly into Wilbur's eyes, "Still! Just because you are his mom's technical 'accomplice' doesn't mean you have control over him!" he shouted.

Wilbur looked at Schlatt. "You motherfucking goat-"

"Don't think I don't know what you did to 5up 2 nights ago." Schlatt said.

Wilbur looked at Schlatt with disbelief, "You weren't even in the house, how would you know?" He said. "How?"

"Don't fucking act innocent towards me, Wilbur." Schlatt said, angry. "You know what you did, and I do to."

Wilbur looked at Schlatt, 3 inches shorter than him. "Not like you can just tell Fundy; he won't believe you anyway."

Schlatt gave a small smile, "Really? Why don't we find out." He headed towards the door.

"Wait!-" Wilbur said, trying to stop Schlatt.

"Don't want me to tell?" Schlatt said, chuckling. "Really?"

"Yes!" Wilbur insisted. "Please!"

"What do I get out of it?" Schlatt said, smiling slyly.

 Wilbur looked at Schlatt horrified. "Well uh-"

Schlatt smiled. "You just don't want to make Fundy mad."

"Well, yes." Wilbur agreed.

"Too bad it will happen." Schlatt said.

"Fine! I'll get you something!" Wilbur said.

"Like what?" Schlatt asked, looking at Wilbur with interest.

"I'll- I'll get you vodka.' Wilbur let out.

Schlatt smiled. "Alright Wilbur, I won't tell."

"Thank you!" Wilbur said.

"For now." Schlatt thought, hiding a smile.

"But don't forget to get it though." Schlatt said

"I won't!" Wilbur said, relieved that Schlatt decided to not tell Fundy.

There was screaming downstairs, but it was not in pain, like a cheerful one.

"Huh?" Wilbur turned towards the door.

"I think everyone's playing something downstairs." Schlatt said, noticing Wilbur's technical gaze.

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