Chapter 23: End...

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[TW// swearing, injuries, mentions of torture
Ships: 5undy]

A week have now passed. Fundy and 5up recently got together. Callahan fully recovered and went back to HPS. And peace between HPS, the Smiles, and Scars seems apparent. But of course, Punz and Hannah are making it difficult, since now Foolish's injuries have been getting more and more serious...

Foolish slowly crawled over to the corner where his stuff was hidden when Punz left. "Good thing they didn't do anything too bad this time."

He sighed as he struggled to wrap his wounds. "Better make sure I hide them, don't want Callahan to get in trouble."

When Foolish finished, he heard the door open, "Fuck." Foolish scrambled to put away the bandages and cover them.

"Foolish, it's me, Alyssa." She went over to Foolish, who gave a sigh of relief.

"Sorry- I just thought ye were Hannah." Foolish apologized. "You both is footsteps sound similar."

Alyssa looked up and down at Foolish, "What did Punz to do you this time." She asked. "And yeah, I agree with you for it, so I understand."

Foolish gave a small smile, "Thanks Alyssa." His smile faded. "Did the usual, just not as violent, I guess."

Alyssa gave Foolish a stern look. "We should let Ponk take a look at you."

Foolish shook his head. "No, it's fine Alyssa."

Alyssa stood up, "Alright." She headed to the stairway that lead to the main area, "Fight against them Foolish, I believe in you." And she left.

Foolish looked down at his lap. "What does she actually mean?..."

With Dream

"So you're telling me that Punz and Hannah are still defying everything?!" Dream said to Purpled, who was able to go to Dream's base.

Purpled nodded. "Yeah..."

George looked at Dream. "Dream, try to keep the volume down, some people are sleeping."

Dream took a breath. "Alright, why are you just saying this now?"

"Punz wouldn't let me go out of the house for those weeks, in worry that I will tell someone that was opposed to what they and Hannah were going." Purpled said.

Dream sighed, "Well that's fun." He got up.

George looked at Dream. "What are you doing?"

"Getting everyone that is okay with using violence as an answer." Dream said.

Purpled looked at Dream with concern. "I don't think Punz or Hannah will appreciate it at all."

George nodded. "Yeah, and Purpled will get in trouble."

Dream was trying to now calm down. "Allright, then what should we do?"

"Get Foolish out, or resisting against them, that's all I can think of" Purpled suggested.

"All of that is extremely risky." Dream mentioned.

"Same thing with you using violence." Purpled said.

"Tommy!" Deo yelled. "Come back here!"

"Can't get me!" Tommy shouted, running away.

Tommy and Deo ran past them, basically creating chaos on the way.

George sighed, "I'll be back." He ran to find Tommy and Deo.

"Hey Dream, do you have an idea where Karl and Q went?" Sapnap asked, walking up to him.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now