Chapter 1

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You drove up to the property you rented, just along the edge of the twisting forest that seemed to never end. You got out of the car as you approached the cabin, opening the door for your dog, Baxter. The Saint Bernard lazily jumped out, heading to the door as you grabbed your bags. Whenever you had a hard time writing, you explored the world. You explored a lot.

As you got into the cabin, you locked the door behind Baxter and plopped into bed, not caring to change. The drive from Los Angeles to Pasco was long and tiring, a little over 17 hours. As you fell asleep, the sound of coyotes and wolves howling in the distance causes Baxter to give a little howl himself.


You woke up, realizing that the person you rented the cabin from did not stock up their cabinets. "Fuckers." You grumbled, picking out an outfit and getting in the shower. You got Baxter his harness and took him to your truck. The autumn season was a bit chilly, but you could leave him in the vehicle.

You got to the town just outside of Pasco, taking a good 30 minutes to get to the nearest market. As you came inside, leaving Baxter in the truck, you immediately took a basket and started to select a few items. Cereal, dog food, fruits, vegetables, mostly stuff that can stay on a shelf for a while. You looked around, feeling eyes on you somewhere. It was just you, a woman, a man, and the cashier. I'm probably just paranoid.

As you paid for your items, you packed the grocery bags into the truck and went to go inside. "Hey! Wait!" You stopped, foot still perched up. The woman came running over to you, handing you something you dropped. "Oh shit, thanks! I must've been in such a hurry!" You laughed nervously, taking your wallet. As you got into your truck and closed the door, you leaned out the window and held your hand out. "I'm (Y/N), I'm new in town, but only for a little bit." You greeted the woman, her hand was soft as she firmly gripped yours. "I'm Diane, where are you staying?" She asked, slowly letting go of your hand. "Me? I'm at the edge of the woods, the cabin just a mile off the main road." You smiled softly, finding the woman's company warming. "Oh! I'm not too far away. My house is in the woods, by the lake." She looked over to her car. "I should get home, I have perishables." Diane smiled awkwardly, waving goodbye to you as you both drove away.

She was nice.

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