Chapter 30

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Diane held you closely as possible, Rye and Barley laying beside the both of you. I can't let you go. Diane slowly tilted your head up, your eyes always making her heart melt. "You are to take your medication every day. It's very important that you do." Diane whispered, her voice sickeningly sweet like honey over sugar. Quick, think of a reason. "These cold months are going to be very harsh and I need you to have all the vitamins and minerals you'll need." Diane cooed, giving you a kiss. "What about you?" Your voice was but a squeak, making Diane smile softly. "I'll be fine. It's my job to take care of you." She gently pat your head, going into the kitchen. You stayed in the living room as she brought out a pastry, making a glaze with a tablespoon of the powder, powdered sugar, and milk. When it was at the right consistency and only a little bit, she poured the glaze over the pastry and let it sit. When she came back, the glaze has set. "Here. A treat for being the best person in the world." What are you doing? Diane blinked as you slowly took the pastry. What are you doing to her!? You love her, you fucking idiot. You don't drug people you love! Diane gently bit her lip, fingers twitching as she ached to rip the drugged treat away from you and beg for forgiveness.

When you bit into the pastry, Diane felt her heart screaming, her voice of reason screaming at the top of it's lungs at her. Your nose scrunched up at the taste of the powder, but that only made Diane want to giggle. You always look so cute. When you finished the pastry, Diane picked you up and sat you on her lap on the couch. The two coyotes jumped up, laying beside the both of you. "How are you feeling, gummy bear?" Diane asked after ten minutes. You started to curl up, legs shaking slightly. "Tired?" She pressed, seeing you nod. "It's been a big day." When you finally were comfortable enough to fall asleep, Diane kept hold of you. She closed her eyes, trying to process her thoughts.

You can't keep doing this.

Diane's lips twitched slightly, not opening her eyes. You really think this is love? Drugging someone into obedience? You're a threat to her safety, to her affection. Diane opened her eyes, bitterness filling her throat at the voice of reason. Love isn't possession. Love is affection and cooperation. Diane laid you down on the couch, Rye and Barley keeping you warm.

Diane stared at herself in the bathroom mirror, blinking a couple times. Do I really look like this? She gently touched her face, the aggression and bitterness in her reflection's eyes while her face was relaxed. She noticed a ring on her reflection's hand, but none on hers. When she looked up, Diane quickly broke the mirror with her fist. Her heart was racing. She didn't know what she saw, but she swore she had the head of a coyote, a bloodied rabbit dangling in it's jaws. The pain of the glass in her skin and knuckles caught Diane's attention, grabbing tweezers and taking out what she could of the reflective glass. She was bleeding, but not terribly. Disinfecting her wounds and bandaging her hand, she checked up on you.

There you were, asleep and dreaming. When Diane went to move a couple strands of your hair, Rye growled loudly. Oh? She tilted her head, gently touching your cheek. You were so warm, like a ray of sunshine. Rye growled again, making Diane pull away. She didn't hesitate to flick the coyote on the nose. "Don't ever growl at me." She whispered. Diane slowly and carefully picked you up, carrying you to bed.

Diane couldn't fall asleep, her mind racing. You are supposed to take care of her, not hurt her. Diane fidgeted, trying to get comfortable. You can't just hurt someone and then claim it's love. She turned to face you, her heart shattering. (Y/N) deserves better. You know better than to act like this, Diane. She slowly closed her eyes, finally falling asleep.

When Diane woke up, she knew what to do. She got dressed and got into the car to go to the store. You were still asleep. She went to the grocery store then a dispensary. Vitamin D and C powder, a touch of nutmeg, and THC resin. Breaking up the resin into a fine powder, she sifted it all together multiple times in the kitchen to make sure it was all even. What she didn't add was muscle relaxants. Then, Diane started to put the powder into capsules.

Diane felt your arms wrap around her after you've woken up. "You've been asleep for a long time. How are you feeling?" Diane asked, turning around and handing you a pill with a glass of water. Watching you take both, she smiled. It was a step in the right direction, but she still had a ways to go. The shadows in the kitchen were still long, the truth of your relationship in the silhouettes. Diane cupped your face, smiling. "I love you." She cooed. She heard her voice of reason quickly retort.

Then act like it, you coward.

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