Chapter 21

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Diane let you rest, cleaning up the kitchen and tending to her garden. She smiled to herself as she plucked the last of the autumn harvest and got started on protecting the plants from the cold. Looking up at the sky, Diane scrunched up her nose a little as a few snowflakes landed on her face. It's gonna be a harsh winter this year. Going inside to grab her gloves and coat, she continued on with putting up protective measures. The plants, although they'll wilt, will come back. The blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries need to be turned into jam or else they'll go bad. Diane started to make a list of what to do to prepare for winter.

Jam the berries
Set up protective measures for plants ✓
Store harvest
Salt the driveway and porch
Stack wood

Diane nodded at her list, bringing in the last of the berries near the woods of the property and cleaned them, separating them into bowls. "That's a lot." She whispered, smiling. Getting a large pot onto the stove, measuring her blueberries first after cutting them in half. Six cups. Diane added into the pot an equal amount of sugar and put the pot on a simmer, mixing occasionally to make sure the berries didn't burn. She had three pots going total, six cups of raspberries and eight cups of blackberries. The smell of fruit filled the house, Diane smiling at the sweet scent. "What are you up to?" You came into the kitchen, rubbing your eye. "Preparing for winter. How are you feeling?" Diane gave you a hug, kissing your forehead. "Like I got folded in half and fucked." You laughed a little, Diane laughing with you. "Well, if you want, you can help me prepare. I need to get the jars sterilized and ready. Can you bring me the jars? They're downstairs." Diane asked, seeing you nod and run off.

Diane looked at the berries, seeing them at her preferred stage and pulled them off the stove. She got her last large pot, her largest onto the stove and filled it with water. She brought the water to a boil, you coming upstairs with a couple boxes of jars. "Thank you, gummy bear." Diane kissed your cheek, getting the jars sterilized and filling them up with the jam. Once closed, she put them into the boiling water carefully. Letting the jars boil for ten minutes, she let the jars rest for five minutes in the water.

Diane watched you stare at the jars of jam, making her grin. "You do this every year?" You asked, Diane getting on a coat as she finished up all the jars. "Yup! I'm going to stack wood onto the porch, do you want to join me?" She watched you run to get your coat and shoes on, heading outside with her.

Walking to an already cut pile and stacking the split logs on the porch, Diane let you decide where on the porch to stack the logs, to which you chose near the door. Diane carried at the most seven logs at a time, seeing you carry three at a time. "You're doing a great job, babe!" Diane called out, seeing you attempt to carry seven logs at once. "This is so heavy, how do you do this!?" You cried out, Diane rushing over to help you. Once the wood was stacked, Diane checked her list.

Jam the berries ✓
Set up protective measures for plants ✓
Store harvest
Salt the driveway and porch
Stack wood ✓

Just have to store the harvest and salt the driveway and porch. Diane looked up, seeing you already salting down those areas. She checked it off the list, calling you inside. "We're not done canning?" You whined, looking up at Diane. "Nope, we have the tomatoes, cucumbers, and some other yet. You can cut up the veggies while I get the liquid ready." She reassured, kissing your forehead and letting you get to work.

She had you start with the tomatoes so she could dry them, getting the olive oil on the counter to prepare for canning. She got the pickling liquid in a cleaned out pot, looking over to you occasionally. You had everything sorted out, making it easier for Diane to get everything situated.

The list was finished and Diane put the jars in the box to rest for 24 hours, finally sitting down with you. "You do this all by yourself?" You pointed out, catching Diane's attention. "Oh no, Chloe would help me. But now, I have you to help me." Diane pulled you into a tight hug, smiling.

The wind began to pick up, howling outside. Turning on the tv to check the weather channel, Diane saw that she was right. It was going to be a bad winter, expecting a good foot of snow tonight. "Hey, (Y/N)?" Diane called out, seeing you come into the living room. "Want to head to the store and get groceries before the snow comes in?" She offered, seeing you nod. The two of you got ready, heading to the store to get any needed groceries. Diane chose to get flour, yeast, eggs, milk, and other items needed. If I run out of bread, I can make more.

Getting groceries home and storing them, she finally got to lay with you on the couch. "You excited to be cooped up?" She questioned, feeling you nod against her chest. "Yeah. Not really, but if I get to cuddle with you every day, then yes." Diane smiled, sighing happily.

The night came fast, the two of you asleep on the couch sharing a big warm fleece blanket with Pumpkin laying under it at the end of the couch. Snoring softly and keeping each other warm, the wind howled outside as the harsh winter began to make an entrance. December was going to be spent in the house. Perhaps, Diane thought, perhaps this winter will bring us closer.

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