Chapter 28 - End of Arc 2

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"I'll be here, I'll always be here."

Those words haunted Diane, her heart thudding. You didn't sleep in her bed last night, the stars were so bright she swore the gods were scorning her actions. You had chose to sleep on the couch, Diane alone in bed. She stared into the darkness, not able to see much aside from the rays of light coming from the moon. She didn't sleep at all, going over her actions down to when she met you. Did I rush things? She slowly sat up, hair slightly frizzy from tossing and turning. No position had been comfortable enough to sleep with.

In the distance, the horn of a train blew loudly. It was the only sound outside aside from the distant howls of wolves and coyotes. Though the other house would be cold, Diane started to pack a couple of suit cases. The endless road and distant woods were something Diane didn't want to see. She wanted to have the same happiness when she first met you. Dancing in the woods, telling stories, the sound of creatures and the unknown. The sun had began to rise, Diane now finished packing.

Diane gently nudged you awake, Pumpkin already harnessed. "Hey, I packed our bags. Let's go to the other house." She spoke softly, seeing your eyes flutter open. You're so beautiful. You slowly sat up, Diane handing you a thermos of hot cocoa with a dash of coffee. The only extra ingredient was whipped cream. Shutting down this house while you sat in the car with Pumpkin, Diane brought out the bags and began to drive.

The drive was long, but Diane was happy to just be in the same area as you. "I'm gonna order food, can we pick it up on the way over?" You asked. Diane nodded, smiling. "We can park off and eat." She added. You began to order food, even getting some shredded chicken for Pumpkin.

Diane went in to pick up the food, coming back. You sorted through everything, Diane pulling over by the woods. The three of you ate quietly, not a single word exchanged. While you all ate, a coyote ran by. You immediately pointed it out, Diane watching it creep closer at the sight of the white containers. Before Diane knew it, the coyote was sticking it's nose up to the window. Her order came with sausages, something she wasn't fond of. "You want to share, Mr. Coyote?" Diane asked, then saw it's stomach. "Ah, Mrs. Coyote." She gave the sausages to the coyote, you handing over yours. "Feeling generous?" Diane asked with a smile, continuing to feed the hungry pregnant canine.

Diane, full and unable to continue eating her pancakes, gave the rest to the coyote. You did the same, Diane watching this canine get excited from all the food. When it understood that there was no more food, it ran off before briefly looking back. "That was awfully kind of you, Diane." You commented, Diane feeling your hand on hers. "Mothers need to help mothers." Diane shrugged, trying to play it off as base-level kindness.

When you all got to the summer home, you had gone inside to turn everything on. The heat kicked on as Diane brought in the bags. Pumpkin had ran in, jumping onto the couch. There was still a faint smell of Baxter, a smell that would never go away. Diane knew you viewed this forest as Hell itself from the strange occurrences, but Diane found it peaceful.

Time was passing too slowly, but you still didn't face the aching woman. Diane thrived off your affection, it made her want to bloom and be her best self, but now she would have to work for your attention after what happened. "I'll be back." Diane mumbled. She remembered the therapy appointment she booked, leaving the cottage. "Will you be back?" You looked up at Diane, her heart thudding. "I'll always come back to you, (Y/N). I love you too much to leave you for good." She slid out the door, hands shaking as she left to go to her appointment.


Diane ran through her appointment afterwords, thinking over everything that happened. She had been prescribed a higher dosage of her medication and to start writing down her thoughts. So, she bought a journal. Diane, now on her way back home, was thinking about what to bring you. She stopped at a bakery just before the town dwindled away into forest, going in to place an order. Looking at the options, Diane chose to get you a dozen cinnamon rolls, but they were to be made in a heart shaped pan. After thirty or so minutes, the box was handed over.

The drive continued was still quiet, but Diane had a smile on her lips. As she pulled into the driveway, you had ran out to the car with tears in your eyes and the cast iron skillet in hand. Diane grabbed the box and came inside to see what happened. There was a couple of spots of blood in the living room and the glass was broken, but nothing was stolen and Pumpkin was okay. Diane pulled you into a tight hug, then grabbed a few things. "Stay inside, lock yourself in the bedroom. I'll follow it's trail. Remember the code word." Diane gave you a kiss, running into the woods.

Whatever Diane was chasing was in the woods, somewhere.

Soon, Diane found what she was chasing. It was the coyote from before, except it was dead. Laying at it's stomach were two pups, the other three were stillborn. Diane stared at the small pups, remembering her first child, Chloe. Without thinking, Diane scooped up the pups and put them in her coat. Their cries were part of the ringing in her mind, panic rushing over the woman. Heading back home, Diane began to make a formula for the two pups. She didn't see you in the doorway, too caught up in trying to get the bundles of fur warmed up and hydrated. "I couldn't abandon them." Diane mumbled, looking up at you. "Where did you find them?"

"I found them in the woods, somewhere."

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