Chapter 15

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Diane woke up to you in her arms, bringing you closer as she lightly squeezed you. I love you so so much. Your scent made Diane comfortable, almost drawing her to sleep again until you woke up and turned to face her. "Good morning, honeybee." Diane gave you a kiss, smiling at her nickname. "Good morning, gummy bear." The two of you got up, Diane choosing to make breakfast. She didn't understand which cabinets held the flour, sugar, and other things, so you helped her. Diane made pancakes from scratch while you cooked the eggs, everyone in the house soon waking up after 30 minutes. As you finished early as eggs are notoriously easy to cook, you plated the food while Diane finished up the last of the pancakes. Three days.

The rest of the day was rather quiet, Diane turning on the living room tv while you hung up a blanket in the doorway. Pumpkin sat on the top of the couch beside Diane, who was petting your family's cat who sat on the ground. A big brown tabby with thick fur, she's twice the size of Pumpkin. Diane pulled you into a cuddle as you sat on the couch, the two of you savoring each other's warmth.

Diane flipped through the channels, choosing to go to Disney+ and let you choose the movie. You took the remote and flipped through the movies, finding a movie. Pirates of The Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl. Diane took the remote after it began to play, putting it on the end table and pulling you closer.

On the other couch was Chloe, staring at you through the corner of her eye. Is she jealous? Diane grabbed the blanket from off the back of the couch and laid it over you and her, Pumpkin laying between your legs. Diane could feel jealousy burn from Chloe like a wildfire, making her uncomfortable. Do you want her, or do you want the attention. Diane gave you a kiss on the top of your head, trying to gauge what Chloe's jealousy was. Still no give.

During the movie, your mother brought in cookies and put them on the coffee table. Diane grabbed a couple, giving one to you and eating the other. Chloe also grabbed a cookie, glancing at you. Ah, you want my gummy bear. You can't have her, she's mine. (Y/N) is my lover. Diane pressed her legs around you a little, feeling you snuggle closer.

After a few more movies and Chloe helping make dinner, you had been writing down what to make. Diane nodded at the options. 15 hour potatoes, Soybean Curry + Tomato, Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie, Cinnamon Roll French Toast, Creme Brulee Pumpkin Pie, and/or Handheld Apple Pies. Diane chose to make the Pumpkin Pie, you immediately chose the Soybean Curry.

The two of you took a shower together, the warm water was the perfect pressure, getting dressed in your room and going to the store. Chloe came along, much to Diane's shock. The three of you took your mother's car as long as you brought home drinks for Thursday.

In the Kroger, Chloe looked uncomfortable. Diane understood why, but this Kroger was far different than the one in Washington. "Which roads are we at?" Diane whispered, not used to this area. "13 Mile and Gratiot." Diane nodded. Gratiot? Michigan names are so weird. Picking up groceries was quick, part of Diane was thankful that you knew your way around.

On the way out Diane noticed Chloe was still staring at you, jealousy building up inside herself as she put her arm around your waist. Keep your eyes off my wife.

Diane helped you bring in groceries, Chloe also helping. She knew she had to confront Chloe, and so she did. "Chloe, can I talk to you? Alone?" She made her way to sit on Chloe's bed, wanting to make sure she didn't come off as intimidating. Chloe came into the room, closing the door and staring at Diane. "What?" Oh, I don't like that tone. "Are you okay? You've been staring at (Y/N) to the point it's concerning." Diane watched Chloe roll her eyes. "I'm fine. Can't I admire people without you getting antsy?" Chloe, you're in a horrible mood. "You're not telling me the tru-" "I'm jealous! Okay!?" Diane widened her eyes as Chloe threw her hands into the air. "I want her and it's a constant reminder that you'll always rip away my happiness for your own satisfaction! You have always been self serving!" Chloe snapped out, pointing at Diane.

Diane slowly got up, watching Chloe suddenly shrink in fear. "I would much prefer if you didn't talk to me like that. All I wanted to know was if you were okay." Diane kept her tone level, remembering what she learned in therapy. The fear in Chloe's eyes was enough for Diane to sit back down. "I'm done with this conversation." Chloe mumbled, Diane getting up and walking out. She sat beside you on the couch, which soon turned to cuddling. "What did you two talk about?" Diane looked at you, "just checked up on Chloe. She's fine, just stressed."

Wednesday. Diane helped you prepare your dish while she made hers. Diane wanted to make her dish from scratch, you helping her make the crust. The two of you had tons of fun while baking, giggling and making a bit of a mess. After getting her pumpkin pie ready, Diane helped you finish prepping for your dish. After baking and getting cleaned up, Diane crawled into your bed. Tomorrow is the big day.

Diane gave you a kiss, holding you close. "Hey, honeybee?" Diane opened her eyes, looking down at you. "If you'd like and you still want to go to the Christmas party, can we do a Secret Santa?" You asked. "With your family, I'd like that very much." "Our family." Our family. You're my family, (Y/N).  I love you so much, my gummy bear.

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