Chapter 12

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Diane opened her eyes slowly, Pumpkin laying behind her legs and you holding her tightly. Slowly and carefully, Diane got out of bed and checked outside. It had dropped down to twenty degrees last night, a blanket of frost covering the ground. Luckily, her plants were warm as their lamps had kicked on at the cold temperatures.

Diane decided to get started on breakfast, taking the quiet time to think to herself. (Y/N)'s family will be expecting us to come to the Thanksgiving dinner in two weeks. We can get there early and either stay at her parents home or we can get a hotel. We need to get Pumpkin a cat carrier. Diane started to jot everything done, scribbling out her thoughts. After that, I can start to buy presents. Diane nodded, smiling.

Diane heard you come down the stairs, choosing to scoot down than to climb down. "How's your ankle?" Diane asked, looking up from the loose sheet of paper. "It's fine, since I really don't want to use the pain meds they gave me, can I have half a gummy?" Diane felt your arms wrap around her waist. "Yeah! I understand not wanting to take the meds." Diane opened up the cabinet where the plates went, pulling out the gummy packet from it's hidden spot. She cut the gummy in half, putting one half in the packet and giving the other to you.

Diane watched you swallow the gummy, giving you a kiss after. "I see you've been writing everything out, excited?" Diane nodded to your question, smiling. And I'm scared. "Can you tell me a bit about your family?" And please don't ask about mine. "I can! I was born and raised in Michigan. My parents are in the Metro-Detroit, Ann Arbor area." Diane listened to you begin, her heart thudding with affection. "My dad is a construction worker and my mother is a financial advisor. I have two siblings, to which I am the middle." Diane nodded, smiling. "Every year, we get the main family together for Thanksgiving, and then we rent a hall for a large Christmas party." You explained, Diane nodding and feeling anxious. Christmas party? How big? She stopped shivering once you put your hand on her thigh. "Don't worry, I hardly ever come to the Christmas party anyways. But, if you want to go, I don't mind." You added. Diane nodded, then looked at the calendar on her phone. "If you don't mind me asking, do you have any family, outside of Chloe?"

Diane felt her stomach sink, bile in her throat. "I had a mother, she died when I was young. My father and I are estranged. No siblings that I know of. It's just been me and Chloe." She felt sick, memories rushing to her. Then, you hugged her. Your embrace grounded Diane, making her heart flutter. "But now, I also have you." And I hope you never leave.

Cuddling on the couch, Diane heard your phone go off. You then grabbed it, shifting as you answered the phone. Diane ducked out of view, realizing who you were talking to. "Hey mom!" "Hey honey! Where's your girlfriend? You sent me that picture from your walk in the woods, I want to see her!" Diane heard excitement in your mother's voice, coming into view as you pulled her. Diane felt her heart race, smiling and waving. "Hello!" Diane greeted, getting more comfortable by wrapping her arms around you. "Look at the two of you, little lovebirds! Diane, you are quite the stunning woman, you did very well for yourself (Y/N)!" Diane smiled awkwardly at the comment, hearing you laugh awkwardly. "She is very beautiful, I'll have to tell you how we met at the dinner." Diane nodded at your statement, talking with your mother. She seemed unphased, more-over relieved that her daughter has a girlfriend.

As you two began to cuddle again, Diane finally spoke up. "I want to go to the Christmas party." She found your gaze, seeing you grin happily. "You'll love it." Diane pulled you up, having you pull up your phone so she could watch videos with you. It was a good way to pass the time when she didn't have to come into work, it also allowed her to get to know you better. After half an hour, Diane had to hold the phone for you.

When night came, Diane carried you upstairs. She laid you down, crawling into bed beside you. As she turned out the lights and slept beside you. In the morning, Diane got up and got ready for work. You were up before her, already getting breakfast ready. Diane noticed you already had clothes picked out and a set of clean towels to use. She came downstairs, watching you set her plate and your plate of waffles down.

"Good morning, honeybee!" You came up to her, giving her a hug. "Good morning, my love." Diane gave you a kiss, sitting down at the table with you. "Thank you for getting my stuff together, that was very sweet of you." Diane spoke after swallowing a mouthful, seeing you smile. "It's no problem, after all, I am your stay-at-home wife." Diane almost choked at your tone, the sexual undertones smacking her in the face. When you spoke, you ran your fingers up and down her arm, a blush creeping onto her face. Diane struggled to find words, resorting to being awkward and thanking you for breakfast, smacking her foot on the corner of the wall by accident. She cursed quietly, running up the stairs, skipping two steps at a time.

In the shower Diane ran through the morning in her head, retracing how you touched her arm. As she did so, she felt a throb between her legs. Rinsing the soap out of her hair, Diane then turned off the water and began to dry off. She then got dressed, gave you a kiss, grabbed her keys and lunch and was out the door.

The drive to work was torturous for Diane, mind locked on the way you were behaving. The look in your eyes, your tone, the way your shirt drooped off your shoulder as you looked up at her, exposing a bit of your chest. Diane pulled over, hands shaking as she unbuttoned her jeans and slid her hand between her legs.

A soft whimper escaped Diane's lips, which turned into a moan as she felt her clit throb against her finger. She rolled the sensitive nub around under her finger, a moan escaping her as she quickened her pace. Choosing to massage her nub with her thumb, she plunged two fingers into her aching core. She moved quick, gripping the headrest with her other hand as she felt her orgasm quickly approaching. "(Y/N), please..." Diane slipped a third finger into herself, soon feeling her orgasm rip through her. Her left hand smacked the steering wheel lightly, panting and crying out your name. Soon, she was grounded again, buttoning her jeans and continuing onto work. Before she got in, she used a half teaspoon of hand sanitizer.

Diane was on her way out of work, not wanting to see any kids for a bit. She was still focused on how you made her feel, stopping at the same spot to relieve the aching throb between her legs. She was there for almost an hour, pulling as many orgasms as she reasonably could in the hour, jumping as she heard you call her phone.

"Hey, are you on your way home? I'm just a little worried." Diane blushed at your voice, buttoning her pants and trying to make herself look less disheveled. "I uh, I am! I had to stop for a moment there was a bunch of deer c-crossing." Diane heard you give a soft laugh, biting her lip. "I'll see you when you get home, honeybee."

Diane floored the gas, racing home as she wanted to see you. She wanted to wait before she asked you to have her for a night, choosing to take things slow. As slow as possible, that is if you want to take things slow too.

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