Chapter 6

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Diane sat on the couch with you, grabbing a book. You were sitting beside her, watching a video on your phone. "How are you getting reception out here?" Diane mumbled, peaking over. "Oh, this is saved to my phone. I wanted to make sure I had some of my favorite videos saved before I came out here." You turned to let Diane watch as well, her interest immediately peaked.

Diane watched all of your saved favorite videos with you, giggling as she felt as though her limbs were filled with beanbag stuffing. "I really like this." Diane whispered, giggling. She heard you give a soft whimper. "Diane, I feel like a gummy bear. Like, when you squish it." You explained. "I'm buzzed, you lightweight." Diane teased, pulling you into a hug. "Do you smoke often?" You asked, turning to face Diane. "I do, after Chloe left, I decided to dabble and I got a medical card for my anxiety. Best decision." Diane giggled. "Why didn't you tell me? We could've done firesticks!" You cupped her face. "I have done those before, had a whole pack. Best time of my life, but I was buzzed while teaching the first few hours of classes." Diane giggled. You're really touchy while high. Diane ran her fingers over your hands, seeing your eyes light up. "Those kids never knew why I was laughing so much." Diane gave you a quick kiss, sitting up. "We should get something in your stomach before it fully kicks in." She got up, then heard you give an awkward laugh. "I took another after you put it down." Diane turned to face you, eyes wide.

"You what!?" Diane laughed and then gave a worried sigh. "Alright, you're definitely going to need food and some water. I don't need you getting sick." Diane gave a soft laugh, going into the kitchen. She heard you get up, then flop back onto the couch. "Did the world tilt?" Diane called out, laughing as you confirmed her suspicion.

As she got back with some toast and a glass of water. She put the plate on the coffee table, pulling you up and letting you lay against her. "Diane, you're really pretty." You mumbled, holding tightly onto her arm. You really think so? "Thank you." Diane smiled, watching you suck the water down. "My mouth is so dry. Is this something that happens?" You whimpered, cuddling up on Diane. "Yeah. Does it feel like a fuzzy creature sat in your mouth and rolled around?" Diane couldn't hold back her giggles, laughing as you nodded. "Just sit back and relax." Diane laid on the couch, you laying on her.

It was only couple hours in and you had passed out, Diane falling asleep soon after. You were holding onto her so tightly, your head on her stomach.


When morning came, Diane slowly slid out from under you, preparing food. She then heard you walk into the kitchen, feeling your arms wrap around her. "(Y/N), I'm not your bed." Diane reminded, turning her head to look at you. "I'm still high." You mumbled, swaying slightly. Diane sat you down at the table, bringing you a glass of water. She finished up breakfast, placing a plate of pancakes in front of you.

Your eyes opened wide, Diane couldn't help but smile as you scarfed down the four pancakes. "Feeling better?" Diane asked, getting up and flipping the three pancakes on the griddle. "I feel much better. Thank you." You cleaned up your plate, sitting down with Diane while she ate. "Oh! I should've given you the wifi password." Diane grabbed your phone in front of you, handing it back to you for you to unlock it and put in the WiFi password. "I should've given that to you."

The day went by, Diane choosing to go outside and start up a little bonfire. She had you work on the cookie dough she was letting rest while she worked on the fire. Diane brought out two chairs, seeing you come out with a platter of cookies, marshmallows, and chocolate squares. "You ready?" Diane called out, seeing you immediately come running down the stairs and come over to her. "Ready as I'll ever be! Oh! You did a great job, Diane! That fire won't go out for a few hours." You looked at the bonfire Diane had made, your eyes focused on the dancing orange flames.

Diane sat you down beside her, showing you why she wanted you to bake the cookies. She grabbed her pocket knife out of her pocket, sharpening the stick and putting the end in the fire to destroy any germs. Then, she took one of the large marshmallows and put it on the end of the stick, roasting it to a dark gold. "Then, you put down a piece of chocolate on the one side of the cookie..." Diane felt your eyes watching her every action, using the other cookie to coax the marshmallow off. She handed you the completed cookie-s'mores, pride in Diane's chest as she watched you take a bite. "This is so incredibly unhealthy." You joked, taking another bite.

The dark night was full of sounds, the crickets calling loudly and the sounds of distant animals. Diane couldn't help but keep an eye out, knowing that the woods scared you. Nearby bushes rustled, but it was just Baxter shifting to fall asleep, making Diane look over at him.

Diane showed you the constellations she could see from inside these woods, the fire now just bright orange embers. "We should go inside, it's getting a little cold." You whimpered, Diane nodding and pouring the last of her drink over the embers to put them out.

She had you go inside while she grabbed the platter and cups, Baxter staying beside her as he started to bark at something in the woods. Then, he took off. "Baxter!" Diane dropped the platter and cups, ignoring the shattering glasses and ran after the Saint Bernard. She turned on a flashlight, looking around frantically. "Baxter!" Diane called out again, hearing a loud cry just ahead of her.

Diane followed the noise, her hand covering her mouth at the scene in front of her. Baxter laid in front of a large tree, his insides pouring out of him. Diane screamed, sobbing loudly. She heard you run up to her, then heard you scream as you fell to your knees. Diane hugged you tightly, bringing you inside the house as she began to bury Baxter.

Whatever had killed him was in the woods, somewhere.

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