31|| Trying to talk sense

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I had never been at peace with my own reflection, until I saw it in your eyes.

- Ranata Suzuki

31|| Trying to talk sense

The next two weeks went by smoothly, both in the office and between me and Ebby. James and I had a couple run ins because of family dinners where he tried to ask me out on dates, but I kept refusing. Our conversations have always stuck to the gathering table and I was happy to keep it that way, at least for now.

But his persistent methods always found him a way to make it obvious that he still wanted another chance that he was still trying to pursue me.

Ebby and I are yet to announce to the family about us because we wanted to be a bit surer about us before we got their hopes up. Well, more like I needed the time to prove to myself before the others that Bash was not a rebound, he is the present and possibly the future.

It was a Wednesday and I was busy with the reports of the event planning of the product launch scheduled for this Saturday. I was just getting back to my office when Finn called to tell me James was here and wanted to talk to me. I called James directly and asked him to meet me at the coffee shop down the road.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked with a smile as we both sat down with our coffees.

"I want another chance Char, please." James said right off the bat, desperation dripping his voice.

"James, you need to stop. I've said it a gabazillion times, in another gabazillion ways, I am not interested." I spit out in a hushed tone.

"Why do you keep trying to push me away? Is it affecting you and making you wish to get back together?" he asked hopefully.

"I literally just told you I'm not interested. It is making you look pitiful James. And it is not like you to look pitiful, in any way or manner. Stop making me feel guilty about never being able to trust you again. I have moved past us James and I can't have any sort of guilt binding me and pulling me down." I reply with firmness to my voice.

"You say you've moved past us, yet I can't see a boyfriend or a potential interest." He sneered. My thoughts went to Ebby who is on his way to my office right about now because I told him I was about meet James.

"You have a girlfriend, don't you? Yet you are hung up on us, having a partner doesn't prove anything James." I could see the gears turning in his head at that.

"Is it about Arabella? If she is the reason, I will break up with her right this instant. I don't love her Char, I've only ever loved you." He begged.

"Stop it James. Please! I want you to focus on her., not break up with her. Actually maybe you should if you don't love her and let her find her happiness, but that's between the two of you. I am over us, over you. The more time you spend after me, the more you lose; her love and my friendship. Nobody wants to be with someone who's in love with someone else, James." I say the last line softly, trying to make him see reason.

It seemed to be working as he is silent for a while. His face then falls slightly, his shoulders slouching; accepting defeat. He takes a deep breath in and looks up at me, trying to send a small smile my way.

"Can I ask just one last thing before I get out of your life for good?" He asks and I nodded. "Do you– uh, do you have anyone in your life? Like a potential someone at least?"

I think of the kiss with Ebby and us accepting that we have feelings for each other. The fact that we have been sleeping over at each other's for nearly three weeks now. Of how we thought we, I, should talk to James about it all, before we told the family; instead of rubbing it in his face in front of everyone.

"I do, James. It has been a one sided thing for quite a while now, but I never realized it. And, before you ask who, it's Sebastian." I say.

He nods his head, finishes his drink and leaves wishing me a good future with him. I am left confused and relieved at that. But I ignore and finish my drink before I rush back to the office. Once I get to my room, I find Ebby there waiting for me.

"I told him about us, and he wished me a good future with you. Did something happen between you two?" I ask, because it was nagging me.

Ebby sighed and told me what happened when the two spoke and while it pissed me off a bit initially, I also understood where the two of them were coming from. James doesn't give up unless you give him the proper losses and profits of going on, with the losses weighing much much more than the profits.

At the end of the talk though, I was exhausted and sank into him as we sat on the couch and let my mind find peace. Because all that mattered at the end of the day, or any moment really, was that Ebby and I were together and we choose to share all our pain and happiness.

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