Strong Scent

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this one will be mainly Mei but will switch to Yuzu's pov at some point

Mei Pov

I was walking to the school with Himeko and the scent only got stronger, apparently only I can smell it
as we got close to the school more students showed up and many greeted me with their smiles, admiration and love letters which all end up in the trash can
I just can't accept anyone, my mind kept thinking about a certain someone but... they aren't here
when I started thinking about her I felt like crying so I started speeding up to the student council room to have some alone time but Himeko called for me so I stopped

"Mei-Mei something's wrong ?" Himeko said showing some concern on her face

I sighed and tried to hold myself from crying "nothing I just... need to do something" my voice sounded hurt more than I intended and Himeko was about to say something but we got interrupted

"Good morning prez and vice prez"

"morning Tanigushi-san", "morning"

"oh why so down today it's a beautiful morning and may I say something smells GOOD"

Harumi Taniguchi a student of the Aihara Academy. she is a bright optimistic girl who is friendly to everyone but she is particularly close to the two student council members

I widened my eyes in shock at what she said and I was about to ask her but she continued talking

"and do I need to remind you I told you to call me Har-"

"excuse me Taniguchi-san, what did you say now.. something smells good ?"

"Yeah, why do you ask ?"

"... nevermind"

Harumin made a serious expression but also showed sadness and concern and asked me "Mei, how are you feeling today ?"

I just kept a straight face and said "I'm fine"

she smiled softly at me and said "you know you can't lie to me"

I lowered my head and said "why do you care?"

"huuuh.. probably because I'm the only one that can see the real you Mei"

"you aren't the only one you know" Himeko pouted and something caught her eye from afar and went to see it

"Yeah beside tornado" we both chuckled softly and she put her hand on my shoulder making me look at her "but also because.." she hugged me lightly and said "I'm your friend, Mei"

"... Thank you, Harumin"

"wow is this scent coming from you!? what shampoo did you use"

if it's not because Harumin put it out I wouldn't have realized that the scent became stronger

"no it's not, I have been smelling it from the morning but Himeko said she didn't smell anything"

"that's strange... huh! what is going on at the gates" I and Harumin looked at the gate to find a blonde-haired girl arguing with Maruta-senpai and Himeko and I could hear Harumin say faintly "interesting.."

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