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"huuuuuuuuh... huh... huh... huh. where.. where am I" Yuzu woke up panting heavily and hearing muffled voices.. it took her a few moments to register everything and recall previous events "how did I get here ?" she asked while getting up from the bed and walking to the door.
before she opened it the voice became clear and she could hear Mei's voice " too magical... to believe.. and I have a hard time believing any of this.... all of you are lying to me... this is all not true... this is a dream and I will wake up in my grandfather's mansion"

Yuzu was shocked and quickly went out. she saw what looked like Mei was running outside and Ume reaching her hand for her "Mei ?" Yuzu said

Mei stiffened in her place hearing Yuzu's voice and felt like her heart beating fast but also calming down at the same time
"Mei" Yuzu moved towards her in slow steps and kept saying her name ignoring everyone around her.. when she finally reached her, she wrapped her arms and took her in a tight hug from behind then whispered in her ears "My Mei.. don't leave.. everything is real... I'm here.. you.. are here... I won't let this be taken away again.. remember I said.."Yuzu turned her around and cupped her face "Always" then Yuzu locked their lips together.

Mei was mortified by all of what was happening and stared at Yuzu's closed eyes for a few moments before returning the kiss. she wrapped her arms around Yuzu's neck and deepened the kiss that lasted for some minutes

Meanwhile, everyone around them had different feelings. Ume was happy her child finally listened to her heart but also worried about what was to come. Sho was also happy but also sad he might not be able to bond with his daughter again. Harumin was in awe at the sight she found it adorable and Matsuri felt the sadness wash over her because Yuzu ignored her presence and thought she still doesn't remember her but as she has always done she covered it up by joking around "jeez get a room you two" she teased them

Yuzu broke the kiss because of what she heard but also to let Mei breathe as she was panting. Yuzu smiled and grabbed her face then kissed her forehead. "my Mei" she said and turned around "hahaha very funny, Matsuri"

Matsuri's eyes widen and teared up.. she looked at Yuzu who was smiling at her and opened her arms for her "o.. onee-chaaaan!" Matsuri cried and ran. she basically jumped at Yuzu and hugged her tightly.

"Hey there" Yuzu said patting Matsuri's head

"Y-Yuzu-chan I m-missed you" Matsuri said still crying

"and I missed you too.. little sis" Yuzu said and kissed her head
she looked behind Matsuri at those caring green eyes and smiled softly "mama"

Ume smiled at her daughter and opened her arms.. as if the rules has changed, Yuzu parted from the hug and ran to her mother they both hugged deeply and Ume broke into tears "welcome back" Ume was happy her daughter got back to her old self. it felt like ages since she heard the word 'mama'

Harumin and Sho were left unacknowledged but didn't want to interrupt the moment. Harumin actually shed some tears at the beautiful moment and Sho smiled softly. they heard sniffing and Yuzu looked behind her to find Mei sobbing quietly "Mei ?" Yuzu said Parting ways from Ume

"Y.. Yu.. Yuzu.." Mei said wrapping her arms around herself as if something hurts her
"Yuzu.. Yuzu.." Mei put her palm on her mouth and kept crying
"Yuzu" Mei dropped to her knees

"MEI !" Yuzu exclaimed and caught her before her head hits the ground and held the now unconscious Mei

"Yu.. zu" Mei said before everything become black

"Harumin what's wrong with her!" Yuzu shouted and Harumin was surprised she acknowledged her but focused on what was important. she moved beside Mei and put her hand on her head then closed her eyes. after some moments she removed her hand and said opening her eyes "nothing, she just needs rest.. that was a lot to take for her mind"

"what do you mean nothing!?" Yuzu grabbed Harumin by her shirt and glared at her "she can't just faint from nothing!"

"excuse you!!" Harumin slapped her hand away "for two days we had to deal with an unconscious Yuzu SEVERAL TIMES so don't talk to me about fainting from nothing!"

"Yuzu calm down" Ume said in a deep voice that sent shivers down Yuzu's spine "carry her to your bed and let her rest" she put her hand on Yuzu's shoulder

"I.. I'm s-sorry" Yuzu said looking at Mei then carried her to the room and closed the door behind her

they assumed she will be beside her so they sat down and Matsuri hugged Harumin calming her down "ok now we must focus on what's important-" Ume started

"I'm sorry.. but I'm really worried for my daughter so can someone please tell me what actually just happened to her ?" Sho said concerned about Mei

Harumin sighed and believed the man had every right to ask this question "believe me it's really nothing but I will explain. knowing Mei for some time and knowing her past and recent events her mind made a shutdown it couldn't take everything that recently happened. Mei is a person that lived in depression for five years because her best friend or may I say childhood love and her father left her one after another.. without knowing the reason her mind made assumptions that you abandoned her and refused to listen to anyone.. her mind pictured everything dark even her grandfather who was always so considerate and caring for her as an evil person who always shouts and orders her around so.. suddenly seeing the girl she cried for, for so long not remembering her.. her father suddenly showing up saying people are after them.. people around her she knew for some time being not just humans as her.. her love being a person that lived thousands of years.. that was a lot to handle and her mind couldn't" Harumin finished explaining and Sho lost words. he just closed his eyes and sighed relieved a little knowing it's nothing serious

"and as I was saying we need to focus on protecting Mei..we need to get to people she cares for before someone else does so Harumin do know about someone she cares for?" Ume said

"yes but why risk getting them in danger knowing they don't really know about Mei" Harumin said raising an eyebrow

"Just to be safe.. and don't underestimate your sister" Ume said remembering her days training Harumin and Mitsuko

"you are right.. well I believe besides her grandfather.. there's her other friend Himeko and Maruta from the student council but I doubt Mitsuko would go for her"

"and why is that ?" Ume asked

"I'm not sure but I suspect they are soulmates" Harumin said surprising Ume

"OH.. so to sum it up we need to get her grandfather and Himeko and I need you both together so who is first ?" Ume asked and heard a door open and close

"BOTH" Yuzu said and walked her way to the door

"how ?" Harumin asked

"you get her grandfather. I will get Himeko" Yuzu said confidently opening the door

"ALONE!.. THEY WILL ATTACK YOU!!" Ume shouted at her

Yuzu's body began to glow and sparkles appeared in her hand.. her body grew and her hair darkened. lightning struck from the sky and enormous white wings appeared from her back.
she looked at her mother with her red-eye and said

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