Breaking The Silence

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In the silent world of the pink haired girl, Matsuri spent two years of mourning for her wife.. despite everything everyone tried, they could never bring her the happiness she lost one day.. the words 'I love you' was everything the girl ever heard and then silence filled her world.

she teased Yuzu and Mei.. she smiled at Mitsuko.. she wanted to tell her it's not her fault.. she helped training Mei, Himeko and Sho.. she made everyone believe she is getting better but... how could she.. Yuzu would tell her it will be alright and she would smile at her yet all she wanted to ask is 'how'

in the inside she was still in shock.. she wanted a cry her lungs out.. she wanted someone to hear her cries but that wasn't possible.. she was trapped in the same moment that happened two years ago.. while everyone was sleeping she would sneak out to the healing room and sit at the same chair until she cries herself to sleep.. despite finding it hard to visit her wife's grave.. countless times they would search for her and find her sleeping beside it and crying in her sleep.

all she wanted was to see her love again.. she pleaded Ume to send her on their missions.. any mission.. she hoped she would finally meet her moment but Ume refused.

but finally... finally this is the moment.. she was tired.. she was injured.. she was bleeding.. she was surrounded by demons.. everything around her was on fire and she couldn't take it anymore.. she closed her eyes.. smiled.. and shed a tear but suddenly "......... Matsuri~" she opened her eyes and was shocked she could hear something after two years of silence.. she looked around her, she could her the sound of fire.. she could her her enemies.. and also she could hear "Matsuri~".

suddenly someone appeared behind the demons holding two  long swords and lifted them and simply crossed them strong and fast taking the demons by surprise cutting all their heads.

between the splattering blood, two hazel eyes shined with a smile brighter than the sun "I told you don't take many enemies at once didn't I ?" the girl asked but Matsuri couldn't answer.. she looked at her eyes wide.. tears rolling down.. she couldn't determine if this was actually happening.. is this a dream or reality or she is just simply dead.

the other girl crouched in front of her wiping her endless tears and smiling at her.. Matsuri moved her trembling hand hesitantly and touched the girl's face but retracted it immediately.. she gasped and more tears flowed down.. she almost forgot her own voice so by just hearing her own gasp added to her shock and made her cover mouth.. The girl took Matsuri's hand and put it on her face.. she smiled warmly enjoying the touch.

"H.... Ha.... Haru... Haru....Harumin" Matsuri said between her tears

Harumin smiled wider.. her own tears started flowing "Matsuri" she said cupping Matsuri's face "I missed you so much" and crashed their lips together.. Harumin picked her up without breaking the kiss and took her outside the house.. Harumin broke the kiss and stared at her blue ocean eyes "I love you~" and kissed her again.

".... h-how" Matsuri said breaking the kiss but Harumin caught her lips again.. "it's a long story~.... but now I miss your face... I miss your eyes... I miss your lips.... I miss your voice~"

Matsuri chuckled breaking the kiss "I miss my own voice" she looked behind Harumin and saw all the dead bodies.. she gasped "Yuzu! we need to save them"

Harumin smiled at her and nodded "let's go.." she said and let go of Matsuri.

"but where are they ?" Matsuri said walking in front of Harumin holding her hand.

"Aihara Academy, but you need to go ahead I have to do something and don't worry.. backup is already on its way"

Matsuri looked back at her and raised an eyebrow "what kind of back up ?"

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