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"oh Mei please, don't try to force Yuzu to remember you... let her take it slowly" Ume said and Mei nodded at the strange request.

After the chat with her new mother, Mei excused herself to take a bath and Ume happily showed her the way to Yuzu's room HER new room.
as Mei opened the room door she found Yuzu laying on the bed clenching the sheets with a pained expression on her face.

"actually m-mother, I still have some questions" Mei whispered to Ume to not wake up Yuzu

"let's save them for another time ok ?.. just take a bath and relax" Ume said then left her

Mei entered the room and put her bag on a desk then looked concerned at Yuzu, she found herself moving closer to her but remembered Ume's request to take it slow
she looked at the bathroom door and took a towel and clothes then headed to take her bath
she started the hot water and took off her clothes.. she entered the tub and relaxed her body while thinking about everything.

how about after five years she suddenly saw the person she desired a touch or just to look at her smiling face.
about after five years, she saw her as a completely different person.
about after five years she suddenly became her sister.
Coincidence? Fate? she doesn't know but she hoped things will be better.
it suddenly hit her that once she saw Yuzu all these negative thoughts faded from her mind and. she was slowly returning to her old self.
because of Yuzu? maybe...

but she also had some concerns
she still doesn't know why Yuzu reacted like that when she hugged her
and why she fell unconscious twice after that
and why was Ume so chill about it
does this happen a lot that she got used to it
or maybe there was a dark twist to all this story and Ume is a bad person
she is now more concerned than ever that she thought maybe this is all a dream and she will wake up in her grandfather's mansion or even better she will wake up as a 10 years old happy daughter with her papa watching her playing with Yuzu and Himeko.

but of course, this won't happen, THIS is a reality, not a dream, and made Mei happy and sad at the same time

after the bath, she wore her clothes and entered the room to find Yuzu sitting in bed with tears in her eyes


"what are you doing here ?" Yuzu said still looking at the floor

"I am Mei Aih-"

"NOT interested"Yuzu looked at her with a blank face but still with tears flowing down

"I-I.."Mei widen her eyes in shock

"as far as I know this is my room so please get out" Yuzu said harshly and pointed at the door

Mei didn't reply nor move from the bathroom door she just looked at the floor crying silently

"OUT!" Yuzu shouted and Mei without talking made her way out of the room

Ume was on her way to the room after hearing Yuzu shout but found Mei outside the room crying.
she hugged her and told Mei to go to the living room.

Ume then entered the room to find Yuzu still sitting on the bed and glared at her "Yuzu Aihara! what on earth did you do and why did you upset your little sister"


"don't tch me and look at me when I talk to you!"

"MY NAME IS YUZU OKOGI AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU REMARRIED I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHO SHE IS I AM NOT CHANGING MY FATHER'S NAME... I DO NOT CARE!... I-I I'm in pain mom.. please make the pain go away.. I can't take it anymore.. and she makes me in pain anytime I'm near her"Yuzu cried after her burst of shouting

Ume hugged her daughter and patted her back while running her fingers along the blond's hair to calm her down
"it's ok Yuzu just tell me what's wrong ?"

"... how I got here ?"

"she brought you here" at the mention of Mei, Yuzu felt the pain grow

"How did she know where I live" Yuzu held her head again

"she didn't"

"h-huh ?"

"she just brought you here because she will be living here"


"yes, didn't I tell you she is your little sister"

"But I can't live with h-her"

"why ?"

"she brings me pain"

"Yuzu stop listening to your mind"

"what do you mean mom ?"

"Listen to your heart what does it tell you ?"

"my h-heart..." Yuzu put her hand on her heart and heard a voice says "I just want to die"
"I just want to die" Yuzu repeated it


"I can't... UGH"Yuzu felt her headache grow rapidly and felt her body moving on its own

"Yuzu what's wrong! " Ume asked as Yuzu quickly sat up and went out of the room

"YUZU WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?" Ume shouted and followed her to the.. window...


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