Loss and Sorrow

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Ume ran inside the house to the room after she heard a loud cry "what's happening!".. she saw Yuzu hugging Matsuri who was holding her head and crying from the exaggerating pain she was feeling

"shhhhhh Marsuri it's ok it will be over.. soon" Yuzu said trying to calm her while crying herself but she knew this pain well enough to know mere words won't mean anything


she saw Mei and Himeko on the side of the bed crying for their friend. Celeste was patting her daughter's back knowing how sad she is.
Harumin who was paler than ever and skinnier.. and Shai who was using her healing power at maximum for the sake of Matsuri
she ran to the other bed and put Mitsuko on it followed by Maruta who finally reached the room and saw the scene.

nobody noticed them at first but when Maruta said in shock "president!" they all looked at them and Yuzu furrowed her eyes in anger "what is she doing here !?" pointing at Mitsuko

Ume wasted no time and instead of answering she showed her the antidote and Yuzu understood "I need to prepare this quickly" she said.. after preparing between Matsuri's crying she injected Harumin with it then did the same to Mitsuko.. after sometime Matsuri calmed down so they all figured it will be ok


"Harumin... I can sense her soul.. what happened ?.. no.. that can't happen.. she is my eyes and ears there I won't let that happen I will have to intervene.. don't worry Matsuri.. it's not her time"


"it's done sir" said a man bowing to his master

"Are you sure they are dead?" the king said sitting in his chair facing the windows

"yes sir, I'm sure. this poison is so fast even if they injected the antidote it won't make a difference"

"good.. you can go now"

"that's what you get for betraying me, daughters"


*click* "huuuuh".. "how's she ?" Yuzu asked sitting on the sofa, Mei to her right holding her hand, to her left Shai and Himeko, the mood has changed drastically but Shai kept staring at Himeko who was trying to ignore her but couldn't ignore her pounding heart, both were blushing, sitting on chairs, Maruta who was looking at the ground worried for her girlfriend and not really understanding what was going on. Celeste was looking at Shai not getting the chemistry. Sho and his father waiting for this discussion

"sleeping, for now" Ume sighed getting out of the healing room after checking on Matsuri

"What now ?" Mei asked

"We wait for them to.. hopefully recover and everything will be fine" Ume said sitting down

"and what's next.. what about our lives.. businesses.. the academy ?" The chairman said

Ume sighed "with all due respect sir.. there are things more important than business, as for the academy you can call someone you trust and let them take care of it".. he closed his eyes and nodded

"mama, Matsuri found humans working with them what does that mean?" Yuzu asked

"Somehow they were able to reach the angels and got them to work together"

"but if they need power and were able to reach them why are they against us? I mean they are angels you are angels so what's the difference ?" Mei asked

"maybe they just want my family dead for keeping it a secret" Sho said looking down

"or maybe if they want power the angels agreed to give them some if they agreed to work with each other taking you down" Maruta said

"This is a puzzle that's hard to figure out.. we can't just give humans powers it's not something we magically pass on. if they needed your family dead they would have done it years ago why move now ?.. and angels don't need them to do anything I mean no offense to anyone but they are quite capable of doing it themselves. there are things that we don't know so we can't assume anything" Ume closed her eyes thinking about it

"or maybe there's something else" Ume opened her eyes after hearing Mei's statement and found her staring at Yuzu

"what ?" Yuzu asked concerned about Mei's gaze

"that we don't also know, Mei" Ume give her a glare that sent shivers to Mei's spine as she knew she wasn't supposed to say that

"What did that mean mama ?" Yuzu asked raising an eyebrow

"you will know at the right time" Ume sighed

"So is she your girlfriend or is she your girlfriend ?" Celeste said pointing at Shai and then pointing at Yuzu

Himeko blushed really hard "Mother!"

"really Celeste right now ?" Ume said shaking her head

"and why do you think she is her girlfriend ?" Mei said squeezing Yuzu's hand

"what! I'm just concerned for my daughter because at first I saw them hugging and god knows if they kissed before it" Celeste said chuckling at her daughter's face

"YUZU!" Mei and Shai exclaimed glaring at her

"WHAAAT can't I hug my best friend ?.. and why does that concern you exactly ?" she said looking at Shai teasing her

"N-nothing.." Shai said blushing

"of course you can!" Himeko said getting up and hugged Yuzu startling her

Yuzu was surprised but returned the hug and looked at Mei and found the scariest death glare she was giving to Himeko but Yuzu didn't find it scary at all she just smiled and pinched Mei's cheek

Mei didn't expect this reaction and rubbed her cheek looking at Yuzu to see her beautiful smile "come on you know she's our little friend Mei".. "what.. you can talk to me through my mind ?" Yuzu smiled and grabbed Mei's face closer then kissed her forehead and smiled at her

Himeko broke the hug and returned to her seat.. "back to the topic.. who do you may think knows about these answers ?" Maruta asked

"the one who I can think of is-"

"Hojo.. our father"

they all looked at the opened healing room door and saw a panting Mitsuko

"Micchan!" Maruta said and ran to her

"what are you doing you should be recovering" Ume said moving toward her

"I'm.. f-fine.. but.. I need to get out of here.. please take care of Maruta" Mitsuko said clenching her chest

"Micchan why ?" Maruta said shedding some tears

"I.. I don't deserve to be here" Mitsuko said looking down and tearing up

"Mitsuko, look at me.." Ume said holding her face she brought her up and smiled at her "you risking your life for your sister's sake is enough" she said wiping her tears

"please.. save Harumi.. I can't.. lose her" Mitsuko cried and Ume hugged her patting her back "of course"

"Harumin ?" they heard Matsuri's voice and immediately rushed to the room.. they saw Harumin's half-open eyes half-open but she looked like she was gazing at nothing

"Ma..tsu..".. "hm ?" Ume heard a whisper and looked at Harumin's mouth it looked like she wants to say something..

Matsuri brought her ears close to her wife's mouth

"Ma.. tsu.. ri.......I.. love.. you"

Goodbye Harumin...

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