New Visions New Family

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"you can't defend them all"
"oh it was, but you got them in this mess"
"remember this YUZUKO you're the reason for everyone's torture"

this is what Yuzu saw once she got out of the school gates, she suddenly saw the place around her change... fires everywhere.. the school building is destroyed and she found this strange man holding people hostage with his sword at one's neck.. she found herself in a peculiar outfit tied to the ground and shouting at the man to release them, but he didn't listen and proceeded to cut someone's neck, she felt this strange feeling inside her self.
like her heart being snapped in half and extreme pain in her chest and a headache like never before but that was all gone once she opened her eyes to find everything is back to normal
"what was THAT ?" Yuzu felt lightheaded and her vision became blurry.
she heard a muffled voice calling her name and looked around finding black hair before collapsing to the ground.

Mei was walking through the gate and found Yuzu holding her head and fell to the ground
Mei ran to her and held her trying to wake her up... after some time due to not knowing Yuzu's add she figured she would take her home, well her new home to be exact.. it wasn't ideal bringing an unconscious friend with her on the first day but there was no other choice.. and surely they would understand.... right?
she didn't want to go back to her grandfather's, he would definitely get angry at her so she ordered a taxi and gave him the address
at first, the driver found it weird but Mei told him she is her sister and forgot to take her medicine

Meanwhile.. someone was watching from the school's rooftop

"we will meet again Yuzu... I have to fulfill my duty and never disappoint him" Harumin said with determination in her eyes


when Mei got home she knocked on the door several times but no one answered, she was still holding Yuzu so she decided she would lean her against the door and wait for anyone from her new family to come

but once Yuzu touched the door it opened

"um..aah... okay ?" Mei walked holding Yuzu to the living room and put Yuzu softly on the sofa
she looked around the house on the walls the are no photos or anything indicating who are the people living here
she decided she would deal with this later.. she looked at the angel below her and admired her beauty and went to move some strands of hair from Yuzu's face but the moment her hand and Yuzu's face touched she felt a new overwhelming feeling inside herself her heart melted under the touch and could help herself from leaning towards those soft lips.

"well hello there" Ume said surprised to see a Strange girl almost kissing her daughter
"I certainly don't mind my daughter dating a girl, and almost certainly don't mind that girl to be from her first day at school, but mind telling me who are you and what you are doing here with my daughter who looks like sleeping and home early ?" Ume asked glaring at Mei not knowing who she is

"y-your.. d-daughter ?" Mei looked at her shocked by what she had just heard

"yes, Yuzu my daughter so who are you exactly ?"

"I'm... M-Mei Aihara I was told to come here"

"oh.. so you must be Sho's daughter" Ume's face beamed with delight

"I am.... and you ?"

"let me introduce myself" Ume said and sat on the chair "I am Ume Aihara, Sho's new wife and this is Yuzu Aihara your step-sister"

Ume just said that casually and watched Mei's reactions with chuckles that turned into pure laughter when Mei realized what she was about to do and said "OH" with a shocked face then took a step away from Yuzu.

Mei never in her childhood Years she knew Yuzu saw her Mother so Ume was a new face to her but the fact that she was about to kiss Yuzu her SISTER made her so embarrassed and her face was like a tomato
also the fact that now Yuzu of all people, her Childhood best friend her light her warm hug became her sister made her smile but also sad as she clearly wanted more than sister

"it's ok Mei can't blame you, now I would be really happy to talk and know more about you but mind telling me why you and Yuzu is home early and why is Yuzu like this I'm surprised she didn't wake up from all this talking"

"um... Yuzu is... Yuzu fainted in front of the school gates"

"SHE WHAT! ?"Ume walked to her daughter checking her and ensuring she was ok" what happened ?"

"Y-Yuzu had an argument and well.." Mei said and looked at the ground in sadness as she remembered the whole day

Ume noticed this and lifted Yuzu and walked to her bedroom "I want to hear the full story so wait here"
she opened the door and walked to the bed and put Yuzu in bed then closed the door and returned to Mei
"So tell me from the beginning"

Mei nodded and took some moments then told the whole story to her new step-mother

after hearing the story there was an awkward silence as Ume was thinking about the situation "ok so we need to sort out the problem first and get her out of this miserable state then she will definitely be grounded... well not so much we need to help her after all" she then sighed and proceeded to talk "first things first, my sincere apologies for the mess she made at her first day but it's my fault for not telling the school about Yuzu's condition"

"condition ?"

"Yuzu has... a trauma with her hair, she doesn't like it when people talk about it, especially in a bad way.. you can insult her or hit her but not her hair, it... reminds her of her father" Ume said and looked at the ground

"What happened to him ?" Mei was curious about it, could this be what happened to her

"four years ago, some strange people attacked us and he.... sacrificed himself to save us, Yuzu loved her father so much and admired his love for his family so she dyed her hair blonde to look like him, so it's a sensitive conversation for her"

"but what happened to her, the Yuzu I knew wasn't like this.. she was always charming, cheerful and confident"Mei asked hoping to finally know what separated them

".......when was the last time you saw Yuzu ?"

"Five years ago after my father left and kept crying, she held me comforting me and promised me she would be always with me... and the day after she just.. disappeared"

"I see" Ume said and closed her eyes for a moment and then continued "five years ago we.. had an accident and Yuzu lost her memories that day...... also this accident is what caused us to move out sooo.. yeah"
Ume sighed heavily overwhelmed with emotions and wanted to change the atmosphere "now allow me to take a moment to laugh at you" Ume chuckled softly

"Huh! why ?"

"you thought you could take your friend to your house because you don't know her address but ended up bringing her home" Ume burst out laughing "oh and.. and YOU WERE ABOUT TO KISS YOUR SISTER. HAHAHAHAHAHA"

Mei was beyond embarrassed at this moment but found the joy of a laughing mother amusing so she started laughing with her...


"welcome Harumi"

"long time no see sir"

"I get you finally found her"

"yes after a long time I finally found her when I wasn't even looking"

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint me"

"never sir"

"so did she know yet"

"I'm not sure but she knows she is strong, but probably doesn't know how much she is strong"
"don't you think it's time to show up sir ?"

"not yet, now remember what I told you, keep a close eye, never blow your cover, never say much. you are obliged to break the three rules when it's absolutely necessary"

"of course sir I won't disappoint" Harumin bowed to her master and left

"let's play a bestfriend mama Harumin double role"

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