Mind Trap

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I know some may get confused so for clarification.. this chapter and the last two take place at the same time.

"Yuzu close your eyes and focus on my voice..." Ume said putting the necklace around Yuzu's neck "think about Mei"

"I'm.... trying!" Yuzu was feeling the same pain she hasn't felt for 2 years

"stop trying and do it.. take deep breaths. think about your love, your wife.. think about protecting her.. remember who you are, you are her protection angel!"

"..Mei.." Yuzu steadied her breathing and cleared her mind.. her ring started glowing and everything went quiet.
she opened her eyes and found herself in front of her room's door


"mom ?.."

"yes what are you feeling ?"

"I feel... nothing.. everything is quiet, everything is.. dark" Yuzu looked around her and saw the house but it was filled with darkness and only her room's door was clear

"where are you? what do you see ?"

"I'm in the house.. I see my room door"

"anything else ?"

"no everything else is.. blurry"

"then open it.."

Yuzu took the handle and opened the door then entered "huh ! where am I ?"

"what do you see ?"

"nothing everything is black..."

"look around you do you still see the door ?"

Yuzu tried to turn around but she couldn't feel her legs standing on anything "I feel like I'm floating.." She looked behind "but yes I see the door"

"then this is your exit.. try to move around.. swim, fly, use your wings.. try everything to move"

"but where I don't see any destination.."

"use your senses. if you hear something move in its direction"

Yuzu tried to move her arms around and found herself flying easily, she flew in one direction for some time but couldn't hear anything "it's so quiet! where am I ?"

"you are in the void of darkness.. if Mei led you here then I think I know what's happening to her".. "what".. "they used a substance on her.. most likely it turned into a gas and Mei breathed it".."what does it do ?".. "it traps your mind.. makes you hallucinate and let your body be controlled.. which means"

"Mei is trapped here"

"yes, now stay still.. close your eyes.. concentrate all your senses on your hearing"

Yuzu did and stayed still for a while but wasn't hearing anything "nothing... nothing.. huh.. what is that ?" after some time she picked something "is that.. water.. hmmm...yes yes I hear water"

"good then follow its direction".

Yuzu flew following the water sound it was so far away that it took her some time.. when she got close to the source she found someone standing "huh.. is this.. Mei!" she saw Mei standing still. she look down and saw she was standing at the edge of a cliff "it's a waterfall ?" she got closer and tried touching her "Mei.." she was about to touch her shoulder but Mei fell down "NOOO!"

She looked down and saw the water wasn't too much of a distance but she couldn't see Mei "be aware Yuzu..here, time is irrelevant.. don't always trust your eyes.. what you see here may be happening at the moment or it already happened.. it's also possible it's a mere illusion.. trust your instinct and follow your heart"

"follow my.. heart" Yuzu remembered when she put her hand on her heart and heard Mei's voice.. she did the same and waited "Yuzu open your eyes.. talk to me please" she heard her voice echoing in the void and started following its direction "I heard her calling for me but she's.. crying"

"it's the hallucinations. just follow her voice"

Yuzu was flying above the sea until she heard something "I hear fighting" she looked ahead and saw light in the far distance so she continued flying.. when she got close she saw two shadows going around each other and colliding it was strange but the fighting noises came from them.. she could clearly see them because there was light surrounding them but suddenly one of them vanished and red light filled the place.

the other shadow flew away and Yuzu followed it.. she soon saw a small island and the place became dark again.. she reached the island and saw Mei laying on her back "Mei!" she called for her but Mei didn't respond so Yuzu got closer

"Mei ?" she saw Mei struggling with something above her but she didn't see anything.. she tried to get close but she fell to the ground and felt something pulling her away "what !" she looked behind and saw the shadow.. she didn't care and tried again with all her strength.. she got closer and closer and extended her hand "MEI !"

suddenly Mei looked in her direction and extended her trembling hand.. Yuzu tried harder and when they finally touched, she saw Mei clenching her hand and punching the air above her.. Yuzu felt the thing that was holding her stopped and looked behind her, she saw the shadow flying and laid on the ground and red eyes appeared on it.

she saw Mei getting up holding her neck and coughing but she got above the shadow and started punching it multiple times until the shadow vanished "Mei" Yuzu called for her from behind and Mei turned around "Yuzu! is this you"

"yes my love I'm here" Yuzu smiled and tried to touch her but her hand was like a cloud of smoke, she couldn't feel her and Mei didn't react to it but she talked

"But where am I? I don't know and I thought you were de-"

Yuzu interrupted Mei and tried to touch her again but failed "it's ok Mei follow me and you will be free from here"
Yuzu flew away heading back to the door followed by Mei "why can't I touch her ?" Yuzu asked in her mind.

"you're just a visitor to someone else's mind.. you are there with your soul, but your physical body is still here"

"but we touched.. we reached for each other and our fingers touched"

"did you feel the touch ?"

"......no" Yuzu said after thinking about it

"then it's a mystery only she could answer as you shouldn't be able to touch her.. for now head to the exit and come back we have a rough day"

Yuzu finally reached the door and turned around looking at Mei "open this door and come back to reality" Yuzu waited for Mei to open then followed her.

Yuzu open her eyes and shot up panting. she saw her mother sitting beside her but she had white long hair and golden eyes and was wearing a strange outfit "mom? why are you like this ?"

"look through the window Yuzu" Ume said and Celeste entered the room "I have the results"... Ume checked the test results Celeste did on the bottle and made sure of her speculation.

Yuzu looked through the window and found fires and bodies "who did that !?"

"it was Mei" Maruta said


"she should be awake by now.. ready yourself Yuzu the final fight has come to us" Ume said and went out of the house taking her sword with her. she was being followed by Matsuri but she stopped her.. she gestured to Matsuri to stay here and protect Celeste and Maruta.

Yuzu closed her eyes and tried to reach Mei.. due to the necklace which enhanced their communication ability she saw Mei being Kissed by some woman who looked like her and Mei was about to push her. behind her was an army of humans and Angels.. Yuzu opened her eyes and was filled with rage.. her right eye turned red and her hair became darker she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists "ALYSSA... AIHARA"

Next Chapter will be the ending, the final battle.
let's see how the small family will fare against the huge army and the surprises that will happen
see you ❤️

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