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On the other side of the town...

"isn't it great? we reached all the way here with no issues" Matsuri said as they were close to the chairman's Mansion

Harumin didn't answer as something else was on her mind

"Harumin ?" Matsuri said looking at her.. they were now standing at a nearby building

"hopefully Yuzu is ok.. and don't celebrate early we haven't finished our mission yet" Harumin said observing the place

"y-yeah.. let's go"

"Matsuri prepare yourself" Harumin said taking out her weapon

"huh !?"

"This silence is worrying me" Harumin took off followed by Matsuri and carefully slowly opened the balcony.. they found an empty bed and the room's door opening slowly. Harumin got ready for action but got surprised because the person was the old man himself.. he switched on the lights and saw them

"what's the meaning of this? what are you doing in my house Taniguchi ?" he said in a stern deep voice

"apologies sir but we must move now" Harumin said moving toward him

"what do you me-".. "GET DOWN!" Matsuri exclaimed running and tackling them both... some knives and darts were shot and appeared at the wall "HARUMIN NOW!" Matsuri said looking up and telling Harumin to teleport them but she heard nothing "HARUMIN ?" she looked at her and her eyes widen as she saw Harumin was clenching her chest panting heavily and blood was coming from her back "M-Mats..." Harumin closed her eyes as her breathing was slowing down.

Matsuri watched in shock as her wife was laying down struggling to catch her breath.. she teared up and felt a rush of anger filling her mind. she took a blue orb and held Harumin and the old man who was holding his shoulder and coughing from the fall "what.. is.. happening ?" he said between coughs but Matsuri was looking at the ground tearing up.. she activated the orb and held them both


Yuzu was sitting down on the couch with Mei watching a scene and laughing at it

"hey! leave my hair alone!" Himeko felt bothered by the actions of the white-haired girl who since they brought her and her mom here was staring at her and playing with her curls

"Awww but it's adorable .. is it really natural" Shai said blushing 'oh my, I don't know what is happening to me' Shai thought and pulled Himeko's hair playing with it

"they are definitely blushing" Yuzu said in a low tone and Mei nodded looking down. Yuzu noticed Mei wasn't in the mood and held her hand "hey you ok ?.. I know a lot has happened today but take it easy"

"it's.. not that.. I'm just.. worried" Mei said looking at her

"about what ?" Yuzu said smiling

"you're here after seemingly fighting and bringing Himeko but Harumin should have come earlier"

"I'm sure they are fine" Yuzu said and looked at Shai.. "come on Shai stop bothering her you're like her great great great great great great great grandmother" Yuzu teased her and Shai blushed but decided to fight back "and you're one to talk!"

they laughed together but a blue light appeared and a portal was formed "here they.. are" Yuzu's eyes widened as the chairman fell to the ground "grandfather!" Mei exclaimed and ran to him helping him up. Matsuri stepped out of the portal holding an unconscious Harumin and placed her carefully on the ground. she looked at her and caressed her cheeks give her a kiss on her forehead then placed her forehead against hers all while crying silently.

Matsuri stood up and looked at her bloody hands "Matsuri..." Ume called for her while approaching her slowly attempting to calm her down "calm down! we will treat her and she will be fine just don't lose yourself" Matsuri's hair turned black and her body became noticeably bigger.. she turned around and opened another portal "Matsuri don't do this!" Ume shouted and ran to her but Matsuri jumped into the portal and closed it "dammit!"

Ume looked at Harumin and examined her.. she picked her up and headed for a special treatment room "Yuzu, Shai go after her and don't come back without her. Mei, Himeko go with Sho and help your grandfather then try to explain the situation.. and CELESTE MOMOKINO MOVE YOUR ASS AND FOLLOW ME!"

"ON IT!" all of them said... Yuzu and Shai were about to get out but Mei hugged Yuzu from behind stopping them "Mei ?"

"b-be careful" Mei said blushing

Yuzu turned around and kissed her forehead "don't worry" and smiled at her

Shai saw this and caught Himeko staring at her.. she smirked and opened her arms

Himeko blushed hard and turned around "be careful Yuzu!" Himeko and Mei followed Sho who was holding his father, Himeko's mother followed Ume Not yet understanding what's going on and Yuzu and Shai took off

Matsuri stepped out of the portal with her glowing eyes fuming with anger. She found humans along with Angels inspecting the chairman's room.. she took her knives and in less than a second everyone in the room was dead without noticing her and she was covered in blood
right now... Matsuri didn't care about rules 'Angels don't kill humans' a pity useless insufficient rule
she killed and killed without mercy.. she was blinded by rage.. she saw some Angels coming her way.

She didn't wait and took out her wings then flew up preparing her weapons... She held a sword and a dagger dodging, blocking, and slicing her way through them until she reached an unexpected opponent

"kinda surprised to see that it's you who is doing all that" Mitsuko said pointing her great sword at Matsuri "and all of that for what.. nothing" she used magic to make some chains appear and attempted to chain Matsuri who wasn't reacting and just looking down with tears flowing.. but the chains suddenly was frozen and got hit by lightning destroying it
Mitsuko smirked as she saw Yuzu and Shai appear in front of Matsuri defending her

sparkles of lightning were radiating from Yuzu's hands and Shai's were white as Ice "you won't take her" Yuzu said glaring at Mitsuko

"Oh I'm not just taking her you made my job easier, I will take the three of you dead or alive" Mitsuko said preparing herself to attack "honestly I don't know why Harumi is defending monsters like you"

"What happened to you!?" Shai shouted at her "isn't she your sister? you played together, trained together, and grew up together WHY ARE YOU HURTING HER LIKE THIS!?"

"I'm not hurting her I'm hurting you. monsters like you don't deserve to live" Mitsuko said laughing at Shai

"we.. monsters! hey Mitsuko I need you to do something before this useless fight" Yuzu said uncovering Matsuri

"making last wishes are we ?" Mitsuko said

"look at Matsuri why do you think Harumi isn't with her ?"

Mitsuko looked closely at Matsuri and saw tears flowing nonstop and Matsuri going on a rampage.. that's only meant one thing
she pulled Yuzu from her collar "where's she ?" she said glaring at her

Yuzu held her hand and pulled them away from her surprising Mitsuko with her strength "you're calling us monsters while the only monster here is you" she said and released her shoving her away and turning around

"WHERE'S SHE ?" Mitsuko said throwing an attack at Yuzu but Yuzu easily blocked it and this time she held Mitsuko from her collar glaring at her "SHE'S DYING YOU BITCH"

Mitsuko's eyes widened and Yuzu shoved her away "and if she did you will be responsible for this.. if that happened.." lightning struck as Yuzu's eyes glowed "I WON'T HAVE MERCY ON MY SISTER'S WIFE'S KILLER"

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