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At that point in time, everything changed. Harumin's death changed everyone. Ume knew this will happen but she hoped after getting the antidote it will be better, but her efforts didn't work.. the person who was supposed to save the girl was too late.. and Ume had to stop Yuzu from beating Mitsuko to death, but Mitsuko was exactly begging Yuzu to do it...

the once strong and rock-hard Mitsuko was broken into a weak crying mess begging to die for killing her own sister. Mei tried so hard to calm Yuzu down but she needed Shai and Himeko's help to do so.

Celeste, Sho, and his father were beside Harumin's bed. Sho and Celeste were trying to comfort Matsuri and The Aihara eldest was looking at Harumin saying goodbye to a once cheerful student who helped his granddaughter a lot and to the woman who put his life before hers

three weeks have passed and Matsuri didn't talk to anyone she didn't eat didn't drink and didn't blink for a moment she was still sitting by her wife's death bed looking at the void in front of her her eyes shedding tears but her face wasn't alive it was the same shocked face she made three weeks ago it's like time itself stopped at that moment for her.

During these three weeks, Yuzu has pledged to become stronger to not let anything happen to her family again.. and so she began training every day with Shai, well.. mostly Yuzu because she always overpowered Shai. but she didn't forget her mate.. she made sure she spends enough time to bond with her.

Shai and Himeko got closer over time but neither of them wanted to tell the other, they needed to make sure of their feelings, especially Shai who can't understand why after all those years, she was suddenly attracted to someone at first sight.. she wanted to make sure if this was real or if she simply finds her cute and that's it.

Himeko got interested in medicines and started to learn from Ume about medical science and the nature of Angels' bodies compared to regular humans she started reading a lot of medical books.

Celeste became best friends with Ume and helped her daughter with her studying.

Sho was trying to bond with his father and his daughter again and he made progress as both of them became at ease with him.

his father after assigning someone he trusts and capable of taking care of the academy thought about the quiet and peacefulness of this place. he didn't need to worry about anything.. just look at the calming Nature.

Mitsuko fell into depression. Maruta tried to cheer her up but it was of no use.. Ume tried to make her snap out of it but nothing worked.. she even convinced Yuzu and everyone to forgive her by explaining that Mitsuko would never harm her sister and it's all their father's fault and she risking her life to save her proved that she never intended to harm her sister.. also Maruta told them why Mitsuko chose to become loyal to her father.. how Maruta almost died and Mitsuko begged him to save her and by doing that he took away Maruta's memories and made Mitsuko a loyal servant to him or they will both die.
but Mitsuko, deep down. she believed that it was entirely her fault, and wondered.. why she lived and her sister died.. it should have been the opposite.

although all of that happened.. none of them forgot Matsuri especially Yuzu as she made sure every day she would comfort Matsuri even if she wouldn't respond or show any sign that she actually hears her. Yuzu just couldn't leave her sister like this

Ume, despite knowing so much and being prepared for everything.. was mostly worried about one thing.. what did Matsuri lose by Harumin's death ?..

"crazy how everything suddenly changed huh ?" Ume asked Yuzu who was by Harumin's grave along with Mei

"I.. don't know if it will get crazier in the future" Mei responded still looking at the grave

"what's next mom ?.. when will we strike back ?" Yuzu asked with fury in her eyes

"not now.. not any time soon" Ume sighed

"if you won't... I will avenge her" Yuzu gave her back to Ume and walked away but Ume grabbed her hand and turned her around


Mei widen her eyes at the sound "m-mothe-"

"You are blinded by rage.. don't let it consume you" Ume said sternly with a deep voice angry at her daughter's behavior

Yuzu didn't expect this to happen and Ume was right, she was blinded by rage.. and the shock from the hit added to it. she growled and her hands sparkled

Mei saw this and immediately tried to calm her down, she was about to hug her from behind but Ume extended her hand stopping her

"come on what are you waiting for HIT ME! SHOW YOUR MOTHER HOW MUCH YOU ARE STRONG!" Ume said glaring at her daughter

"Yuzu.. calm down.." Mei tried to reach her and Yuzu felt some calming sensation

she rested her hands and teared up hugging Ume "sorry mama... It just hurts me to see Matsuri like this"

"it's ok I understand, but we need to talk about it... you need to control it before you lose yourself" Ume said returning the hug and rubbing Yuzu's back "sit down and close your eyes" she said sitting down "Mei you are free to go if you want"

instead of responding Mei held Yuzu's hand and that told Ume her response.. they both sat down and Yuzu closed her eyes.

"Now listen to me carefully.. controlling your anger is pretty easy but you need to focus. anger can be a weapon, how dangerous it is.. is how much you can control it. if you can't, it will be dangerous not just for yourself but for everyone around you. it's like holding a broken glass.. you can stab with it but it will cut you too. so control it and use it or it will control you and lose yourself... now about your power. you are stubborn and ignorant and your ego is high as the sky. I get it, after years you suddenly felt power rush through your body.. you feel like you can do anything, beat anyone no matter how many. but make no mistake. if you're outnumbered you will be bested.. you need to focus on your opponent. know their strengths, know their weaknesses, and know your limits. if you think you can't do it alone, change your tactics, use your surroundings, coordinate with your allies.
with that being said, from now on you will be training WITH Shai not against her. you will be combining your powers and finding new tactics as you can't just rely on brute force and after Mitsuko holds herself together from her grief, she will be joining your training"

Yuzu shot her eyes open and wanted to object but Ume glared at her "close. your. eyes" Yuzu shivered and trembled closing her eyes

"This is not an option. this is an order and you will obey" Yuzu whimpered and nodded

"you will also work on your anger, everyday you will be sitting in a closed room meditating.. and Mei" Ume said shifting her gaze to Mei catching her off guard
"you will be trained as well.. you, Himeko and your father"

"b-but I'm just a simple human, I'm not even strong" Mei said looking at the ground

Ume sighed and smiled then got up and stood in front of them.. she reached Mei's head and patted her "you will get stronger, smarter, and even deadlier".. she put her hands behind her back "rise my daughters" Yuzu opened her eyes and they both stood up "the path ahead is dangerous and we all need to be ready"

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