Danger Ahead

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"I.. uh.. s-someone was going to hurt me, t-that's when she suddenly appeared" she said putting a strand of hair behind her ear

"......Oh.... well... that means one thing" Ume said and put her hand on Mei's cheek then continued
"she..loves you" she smiled at Mei who was still processing what she said then her face became like a tomato

Mei blushed deeply "l-love ?"

"yes. her heart, body and soul love you so much.. and I believe you do too" Ume smiled warmly at Mei


"really that's what you are concerned about right now !" Harumin interrupted them

Ume groaned "Harumin not now!"

"what do you mean not now!.. she has the right to know. and allow me to remind you, we don't have much time!" Harumin facepalmed herself

"w-what do you mean, Harumin ?" Mei said looking at Harumin confused

Ume sighed and moved to Yuzu's closet "Yuzu has.. awakened, which means yes she loves you deeply but now she is in far more danger than you" Ume got some clothes for Yuzu and a golden necklace with a ring attached to it.

"me ? in danger !?" Mei was becoming more confused each minute

"yes, now put this around your neck, close your eyes and listen to me carefully.." Ume gave Mei the necklace and observed the ring closely which had Yuzu's name on it then put it and closed her eyes but she somehow started seeing things.

"what do you see ?"


Ume smiled "that's what she is thinking about at this moment Mei. she is thinking about you"

Mei opened her eyes and saw Ume smiling at her. she was about to say something but Harumin suddenly talked like she was talking to someone else

"yes, I hear you" Harumin said looking out the window... "I know, we are doing it....what do you mean now ?..... what.. so soon ?..... no... NO, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING... you can't face them alone. I'm coming.. NO I'M COMING THEY CAN TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES THEY HAVE UME... HEY, Do you hear me.. SHIT!" Harumin was panicking and opened the window

" go Harumin save her we are good " Ume said

" I will see you later and Mei.. keep your phone on I will call you" Harumin said and jumped out the window "Hang in there... Matsuri"

"DID SHE JUST JUMP!?" Mei exclaimed

Ume ignored her and picked up her phone and dialed someone "pick up pick up pick up.. yes, hey yes it happened. now come we have to get out of here.. not half an hour. NOW" Ume ended the call and looked at Mei

"who is that ?"

"listen Mei there are so many things that you don't know of and things you misunderstand. but I promise once we are in a safe place you will know everything.. now let's go there's someone you would like to meet" Ume said and her body began to change

she become noticeably taller with muscles in every inch of her body.. white long hair that reached her legs and golden eyes.. "in case someone decides to attack" she said
she picked up Yuzu easily "now let's go"

"my clothes ?"

"you won't need them" Ume said and started walking towards the apartment followed by Mei but Mei stopped and harried to the room again "Mei what are you doing ?"

Mei opened her school bag "bear" she was going to take him but since she went back she took the whole bag instead and got back to Ume

"I told you you won't need the-.. oh" she saw Mei holding her teddy bear so she just continued to go out.

once they were outside the building they saw a black car with the back door opened "get in" Ume said and moved to the other door.

Mei sat in the car and Ume put Yuzu beside her and closed the door then opened the door beside the driver and got in "now Mei... while we are going we will try to explain some things but first.. say hello to your father" Ume said and looked back at Mei

Mei's eyes widen and looked at the driver who took out his sunglasses and looked at the mirror with his lavender eyes "f-father ?"

"hey, Mei. I missed you"

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