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"I am leaving Mei I got tired of you and your stupid behavior I am leaving and hopefully I never see you again honestly I wish I didn't get your mom pregnant with a useless child".. "father please don't go".. Sho turned his back to his daughter and kept walking away.
"Please don't leave father"

Mei gasped and looked around her room sweating and panting then teared up and closed her eyes trying to sleep again but failing as always "this damn nightmare every damn day FUUCK I hate my life" she got up and walked to her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, she looked like a mess with very noticeable eye bags due to lack of sleep, she eyed the razer she kept for her final day on earth and reached for it

Mai Aihara The elegant student council president of the most famous school in Japan Aihara Academy and the heir to the Aihara family she was always a sweet and kind little girl and now she is admired for her beauty and intelligence by many people but in reality that's just an act, deep down she is depressed to the very core of herself and struggled to show emotions since her two important people in her life disappeared for almost five years she kept crying herself to sleep, have nightmares and thinking of ending herself from her misery... BUT every time she tries to do it...

"I hate my life they left me, my father left me, my grandfather doesn't understand me and.. she l-left me I am alone I have no one beside Himeko but.. she isn't her, I-I want her in my arms again but she broke her promise"... "I can't take it anymore" she proceeded to cut her arm but just like every time she tries to do she smells a sweet scent and feel like invisible hands embrace her from behind she didn't know why but that seemed to always calm her down that she stopped questioning it.. she put the razer back in its place and went to the kitchen to have some water and return to sleep, it wasn't a good sleep since she has only 2 hours to wake up for school but a little sleep helps

she woke up at the sound of her alarm ringing at six am she groaned and sat up in bed "ARGH stupid alarm stoooop.." she got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for school.. once she made herself at least presentable she wore her uniform and took her bag after making sure her teddy bear is inside, she looked at his damaged eye and neck" Bear.. thank you for being here for me and sorry I'm bad to you but I promise I will fix you someday" she went out of her room finding her grandfather sitting down on a chair ending a call

"good morning Mei did you sleep well" her grandfather said with a stern but a sad face as he looked at his tired granddaughter

"good morning grandfather yes thank you"

he looked at her obviously not believing her as her face shows it all but he didn't know how to comfort her as he felt like she distances herself from everyone "I have some news for you, your father remarried and from today you will be moving in with your new step-mother.. please after school head to the apartment and I will send your belongings there"

Mei looked at him with shock and annoyance but decided to hide it keeping a straight face and said a faint" ok"

her grandfather gave her the address and thought for a second "Mei if you are uncomfortable with this you ca-"

"It's fine!" Mei said nearly shouting and stormed out of the mansion

her grandfather sighed and looked down in sadness "I really don't know what's wrong with you but I hope you will get better soon"

Mei was anxious, angry and sad at the same time those mix of feelings hit her like a rock but chose to hide it
she knew that hiding feelings lead to depression but she didn't know how to show them or to who she feared that if she showed her feelings people will laugh at her or be disappointed in her, especially her grandfather who was always a calm and loving person to his granddaughter her depressed state made her mind see otherwise, she always saw him angry and stern person shouting and ordering her around "MEI STARTING FROM TODAY YOU WILL LIVE WITH YOUR NEW STEP-MOTHER AM I UNDERSTOOD! ?".. "stupid grandfather doesn't know how to act calm and talk like normal people" her mind told her that..

while she was feeling all those feelings for some reason she also felt calm as she didn't know why but she kept smelling the same sweet scent since she got out of the house that didn't happen before and she kept thinking about it not hearing her friend calling her

"Mei-Mei do you hear me ?" her friend kept calling her for five minutes but Mei's mind ignored her and kept thinking about something unknown until she felt a hand grab her from behind.

Mei gasped and looked behind in shock and fear but only saw a small figure clinging onto her arm "haha.. H-Himeko you scared me there.. please don't do that again"

Himeko Momokino the vice president of Aihara Academy was also a childhood friend of Mei and she was always by Mei's side trying to make her feel better after their friend suddenly abandoned them, those three were inseparable and were great friends, but after that no matter how much Himeko tried she couldn't make Mei feel better as she knows what Mei was feeling deep down... she misses her.. and so does Himeko...

"scared you !?.. I kept calling you for the past five minutes but you didn't answer me!"

"you did !?.. sorry I wasn't paying attention"

"...what's on your mind ?" Himeko said trying to know if something is wrong.

"I know Himeko she wouldn't leave it until she gets an answer.. better just say it'' Mei thought then said "I-I honestly don't know.. do you smell that ?"

"what smell? I don't smell anything unusual ?"

"...... nevermind let's just go to school" Mei said then returned to her straight face and kept walking

"ok.. but you know I'm here if you want to talk"



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