Feelings Can't Act On

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*cough* *cough*
Knock.. knock "Himeko are you ok ?" Shai said worried about Himeko after she ran in the middle of the conversation.

"........ hah.... hah"



Shai opened the door and found Himeko standing by the tub "what's the matter are you sick ?"


"Himek-".... "why are you asking ?"

"eh!" Shai was taken aback by the question

"why do you care ?"

"I.. um.."

"can't you at least knock ?"

"I.. did.."



"yeah just because... I don't want to hear it" Himeko said that despite her heart that was aching so much while saying all that. in fact, she didn't know why she was being harsh right now.
"why do you worry ?.. there are much more important things to worry about, so why are you here ?"

Shai couldn't answer the mountain of questions not because she didn't have the answer, but because she didn't know how to say it.. beside that she started feeling pain in her chest and a headache was building up.

"why... would you care about someone... like me ?.. because you think I'm the little cute Himeko ?.. well guess what.. I'm not cute anymore, so you can stop playing" Himeko said that and pushed Shai aside from the bathroom entrance and started leaving but Shai held her hand.

"..... I... I... lo..." Himeko yanked her hand off Shai and went to her room.

Present time...

"So why did you do that ?" Yuzu was sitting beside Himeko in her bed trying to understand the situation "you realize she genuinely cares about you right?"

"... I know" Himeko was hugging her legs burying her face between her knees

"then why ?"

"I don't know..."

"Hime look at me" Himeko raised her head and looked at Yuzu with a teary eye "you love her don't you ?"

Himeko covered her face again "y-yes"

"then why do you treat her like that ?.. you know you're not just hurting her you are torturing yourself"

"I'm.... afraid"

"of what you know she will always cherish you"

Himeko crossed her legs and looked at the ceiling "one day.. I will.. die and she will lose me.. after what happened to Matsuri I don't want this fate for her"

Yuzu was surprised by what Himeko was thinking "so what? you just gonna throw your feelings like that !?"

"Yuzu please understand what I'm saying I will die and she won't I will be torn apart for leaving her and she will... she.." Himeko cried "I just can't act on my feelings... for her sake"

"....and what if she knows that and still chooses to be with you"

"what ?"

"what if she knows the risks and the responsibilities but still wants to be with you, you just gonna take away all that !? this is not consideration Hime this is selfishness" Yuzu realized what she said and facepalmed herself.. she opened her arms "come here"

Himeko got closer and hugged Yuzu from the side "you think I didn't think about this? Mei didn't think about this? Believe me, we did and it's suffocating but you see.." Yuzu rubbed Himeko's shoulder "we decided to not think about it so much.. and I decided to make her live the rest of her life in happiness, not just her happiness but mine too.. at least when the time come.... and she's old we will... look back at those years and cry in happiness not sadness" Yuzu said and couldn't contain the tear that was fighting to drop from her eye.

Himeko looked at her and wiped her face but suddenly a thought occurred to her "you know what.. I think we have a chance.. not just me but Mei"

"what do you mean" Yuzu got confused

"We still don't know what's happening to her but what if.. she is changing.. what if she is actually getting powers.. what if she also won't die" Himeko was thinking going back and forth in the room

Yuzu's eyes widened and began to think about it.. she remembered the time when Mei hit her and it was definitely not a human punch "I.. uh.. I need to check on her" Yuzu got up and hastily went to the door but looked behind her "but Hime don't base your love on th-" Yuzu suddenly heard a loud whistle and the next thing she was holding her head "UGH..."

"Yuzu ?"



"I'm so stupid" Shai was sitting under a tree crying

"Why did I think she will ever care ?"

"why would she ever get closer ?"

"why would she ever.. love me ?"

"It hurts but I can't help it.. I love her"

Shai heard footsteps coming towards her. she thought some miracle will happen and it will be Himeko coming to hug and kiss her but when she looked "oh! Mei, you got out of the room how-"

Shai was shocked to see red eyes instead of lavender ones and Mei ignored her and kept walking "Mei ?" Shai called her but Mei didn't respond
"Hey wait where are you going ?" Shai held her hand but didn't feel anything until she hit the tree
"Ugh what the.. OH SHIT!"

Minutes after that..

"Celeste.." Ume said as she saw Celeste coming out of Sho's room "oh.. Ume."...."since when have you become this close with him" Ume smirked and got close to Celeste

"EHHH! c-c-c-close what do you mean c-close" Celeste stuttered and was blushing hard

"hmmm I can see it in your face hahahaha don't worry it's understandable" Ume laughed and started to leave her

"w-wait it's not like that!" Celeste blushed harder and covered her face

"oh don't worry don't worry.. *Ring.. Ring* oh I have to take this.." Ume picked up her phone and answered "yes ?"

"ma... am.. w..... ed.. help"

"what ? say it again"

"he... mis... ei.. atta.. ing.. us..."

"I can't hear you.."

the voice became loud and clear "PLEASE HELP US MISS MEI IS ATTACKING US..." beeb.. beeb... beeb

"WHAT!" Ume exclaimed and was about to move but heard a loud scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"... "YUZU!"

We are getting closer just some more chapters
let's see what's happening to Mei next 😉

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