Bonus - Parallel Universes

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When Theo wakes up, he realizes that everything that happened -including Shade and Imade were only a figment of his imagination. A way to cope with his anxiety and depression.
However, is she really just a character he made up in his head?

"I'm feeling feeling vibes on vibes" she screamed the walls down and I laughed in the living room.

"I'm a ticking dynamite" God, she was no Celine Dion and she didn't even want to hear it. I didn't mind though.

"Stop singing, Imade. Please?" I called and she walked into the living room, wearing her pajamas. She put her hands on her waist and glared at me with her lips pursed in obvious dissatisfaction.

"You missed our date, Theo. Why are you acting like it never happened?" She was mad. Really mad. Really really mad and I understood why. I really didn't want to but the business talk dragged on for hours and I didn't realize when times passed.

I exhaled and stood up, tugging my tie off.

"I'm sorry, babe. I really am. I tried calling you but you weren't answering and so I asked my assistant to pick you up. Forgive me, yeah?" I pulled her close and she groaned, throwing her head back. She was so beautiful.

"I'll make it up to you. I promise" I kissed her lips and she smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled back and brushed my knuckles over her cheek.

"Let's go to bed."

"You owe me" she poked my chest and I chuckled, nodding.

"Yes ma'am" I grinned and pulled her up the stairs. We climbed into bed after we took a shower. She rested her head on my chest and it just felt so right.

For some reason, I was scared to close my eyes. I feared that she'd disappear. I wasn't sure why but I had been feeling like that after her accident. I probably wouldn't survive if it happened again.

The rays of the sunlight felt different today and so did I. I felt sick. I groaned in bed, searching around the bed for Imade but it was cold.

Like she wasn't there.

"Baby" I groaned, forcing myself to sit up.

"Imade?" I exhaled, climbing out of bed as I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. I picked my glasses off the bedside table and that was when I realized that those were my old glasses.
Letting out a sigh, I glanced around the room and noticed it again.

Where was everything? Imade's bags that she usually dropped on the couch, her things on the vanity table and her favorite bedside t

My brows furrowed and I searched around for my phone. Again, something was wrong.
My flip phone was on the bedside table. That wasn't my phone. At least, not anymore. I stopped using it so long ago.

"Imade?!" Confusion filled me like an oasis as I walked out of my room. The house even smelled different. It was a familiar scent but I couldn't remember what the hell it was.

Glenna walked past me, talking to her boyfriend on the phone. She walked past me like it was her house.

"What are you doing in my house?" I asked, clenching my jaw? My eyes unconsciously glanced around for Imade. Had Glenn done something to her?

Glenna stared at me like I had lost it.

"What kind of question is that, Teddy? What's your wife doing in your house?" She raised a brow and shook her head, continuing down the hallway.

"What the fuck are y- you know what? Get out" I waved my hand at her and walked out of the room. My heart dropped when I walked into the living room.

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