Fourteen - Dirty Dreams And Love Letters

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I shoved a few notebooks into my handbag along with a pen before walking to the bathroom.

I danced in front of the mirror, proud of what I had done with my hair.

I had dyed the left side pink and the other half blue. I hadn't seen Theo all weekend and I couldn't wait to show him.

Would I run into him at the uni today?

I had been trying to reach him all weekend but I couldn't get through to him. He didn't call either but I blamed it on that tiny thing he called a phone.

I exhaled, ruffling my curls before smiling at myself in the mirror.

I took a couple of mirror selfies before saving one of the pictures as my wallpaper and sending them to aunt Shade because she was my main hype woman.

It was almost 8:30 and there was some orientation at 9.

"You're always bloody late, Imade" I hissed and ran off to the room, slipping my sandals on because I was sure I'd be doing a lot of walking today.

I had called for an Uber because I was running late all thanks to the dirty dream I had.

In less than thirty minutes, the Uber had picked me up and driven me to the uni. I was slightly intimidated when the driver drove past the gates of the uni. It was so large.

I paid and climbed out of the car, making my way into the school. People walked past me, most of them walking in groups and minding their own business -thank the Lord for that.

I managed to get my timetable in order and a map that was anything but comprehensive.

As I made my way out of the office, I pulled out the map and headed towards hall.

The halls were filled with people. People who clearly couldn't see as they kept hitting my shoulders. I took a left and let out a sigh when I noticed I was at the hall.

I walked in and held back the scream threatening to rip through my throat at the sight of what...a million and one other students?

And the worst part wasn't that. It was the fact that the door was in front of the hall, so I could feel their gazes on me. Or it was just my head making me feel like that.

I pursed my lips and walked up, making my way to the far back to make myself comfortable. I placed my bag on the table and let out a sigh.

"Thank fuck that's over" I grumbled and pouted when my stomach rumbled.

I really needed to get my schedule in order. I was watching Netflix through the night and woke up sometime later after sleeping for like thirty minutes to have some ice cream and sour jellies. I tried to call Theo but his number barely went through.

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