BONUS - Part Time CEO

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"Fix this shit. If I have to tell you what to do the sixth fucking time, your resignation letter better be on my table!" I snapped, slapping my palm against the table.

Louvre, the head of the marketing department couldn't seem to do a single thing right today and because of him I was running late.

"Get out of my office" I grumbled and dropped on my chair, taking a deep breath. I snatched my phone off the table and called Imade.

"Where are you?" Okay, she was mad. Really mad. My lips parted but the fear I felt clogged up my throat.

I heard the kids call for me, making my heart skip a beat and I glanced at my watch. I was late. Extremely late.

"I'm still at the office, baby" I heard her sigh tiredly before she hung up. I threw my head back and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Sitting up, I fiddled with my wedding ring. My mind was everywhere. Well, my mind was focused on my family like it had been the whole day.

"Fuck it" I took my car keys and my overcoat, walking out of my office.

"I wanna see Louvre's resignation letter on my table tomorrow morning and list of eligible candidates to fill his position" I told my secretary, Jordan, who nodded and took down notes.

Turning to him, I tapped my index finger against his table with my jaws clenched.

"Involve security if he gets too difficult. Am I clear?" Jordan nodded, still too afraid to look me in the eye after six months of working with me.

"Yes, Sir. Good night" I walked to the elevator straight to the ground floor. I made my way out of the company and into the private parking lot and got into the blue BMW, driving home as quickly and safely as I could.

A year ago, Imade brought our beautiful babies to the world. Two of them.
Temilade and Temidayo. Lade and Dayo.

I couldn't believe how happy I was when I set my eyes on them. They were covered in blood and their skins were pale. They barely had any hair on their heads.

I was so scared to hold them.

They were just about the size of my palm when I held them for the first time. They clung to my index fingers so tightly like they were fighting for their lives, holding on to the little grasp of life they had.

I cried. Asher took a picture and doesn't let me live it down.

Taking a deep breath, I climbed out of the car and unlocked the door with my key. Only the lights in the hallway were on, a sign that the kids had gone to bed.

My heart dropped as I walked into our bedroom. In the darkness I could still tell that she was awake. She could never go to bed until I go home. I turned on the lights and cleared my throat. She sat up, lips pursed and glare directed at me.

"Hey babe...I missed you"

"Don't even babe me at all, Theodore. Do you think I missed you? No. No. No. It was your children, screaming your name the whole night and making me worried" she rambled off, her accent filling her voice like it did whenever I managed to make her mad. I fought back the urge to laugh because that would only make her angrier at me.

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