Eleven - Denim Skirts And Limits

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Was there a day she didn't look like she fell from the heavens? She had that honey brown hair in a single ponytail and some makeup.

She hadn't used her colored eyeliner but some black liner and her lashes looked longer.

She donned a denim skirt that made my heart skip. Her ass looked nice in that skirt and so did her thighs. She paired the skirt with a loose blue vintage shirt.

Imade began to walk to the counter and I wondered if it was okay to take her hand.

Fuck, no! Wanna scare her off?

I clenched my fists like that would stop me from holding her and settled for watching her hips sway. She was about to pay and I refused to let her pay.

"Just let me pay for it, sweetheart" I grumbled out but not because I was annoyed. I was nervous.

"Thank you, Theo. This means lunch is on me"

"We'll see" I mumbled pulled my wallet out of my pocket before pulling the card out of it, paying for her things.
I took the bags and Imade walked next to me.

"Where to?" I asked and glanced down at her before chucking. The middle of her head was all I saw. We walked round the mall until she had everything she needed.

Her phone rang as we headed towards my truck and she sighed, pulling her phone out of her back pocket. I enjoyed the view a lot from where I stood behind her.

"Yes, Aunty Shade?" She sounded tired and I wondered if...maybe we could cancel our 'just lunch' for today.

She said something in a different language before letting out a groan while I placed the bags in my hand in the back seat of the pickup truck, waiting for her.

"Now? Can't she take it tomorrow? I haven't even wrapped it up" she frowned, her accent standing out in her frustration and I walked towards her, unhappy with the frown on her face. She glanced at me and sighed, placing her hand on her waist.

"Okay. Just send me the location of her hotel and if I'm kidnapped, my blood is on your hands." Her frown disappeared as she laughed and automatically, my lips spread into a smile.

"Yeah. I'll get to her. Love you too" she hummed and hung up, walking towards me.

"I can drop you off?" I offered blindly and she shook her head with a small smile.

"Thank you but I don't wanna-"

"I'll take you" I grunted out and took her hand, leading her to the truck and I opened the door. I helped her in, holding her hand as her skirt seemed a tad bit too tight. But I wasn't complaining. The view was nice ad she struggled to climb in.

I crouched down till I was on the same eye level as her. She looked into my eyes and her lips slowly tugged into a smile.

"Thank you for today" she spoke softly and I nodded, stopping myself from cupping her face.

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