BONUS - Sweet And Sour Memories

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Read this chapter at your own risk pls 😂
Well, guess who went digging through her google docs for the past hour??
*points thumbs at myself*
This girl!
I found it, darlings.
Enjoy...or not *haq*

Theo got in an accident, instead of Imade and he lost all his memories of 'her'.


I had my eyes fixated on her the minute she walked in here with her arm linked in Asher's. I felt myself grow angry. I wanted to hit Ash so badly that he lost consciousness even if they were just friends and business partners as Ash claimed.

She looked so beautiful.

It had been one year. One year since I had been trying to figure out why it felt like I lost a piece of me. I still had those pictures and videos of her and us on my phone.

It felt like I was a different person. I just couldn't remember it. I looked so happy but I couldn't remember it.

It still didn't make sense as to why my password was her name. However, one thing I knew was that whether I remembered or not, it happened. And I still ached to touch her. To taste her lips. To strip her of every item of clothing and make love to her.

She was all I dreamed about. It wasn't enough.

I pulled the phone out of my pocket and played one of the videos.

It started with her face, a wide grin on her face as she laid her head on my chest. We were in my bedroom. I knew that bedroom too well. I just didn't know her.

"I'm trying to sleep, Imade" it was my voice. But I didn't remember and it made me angry. Why didn't I remember it when I sounded so happy?

"No. What you're trying to do is cheat. I'll keep recording until you say yes" she pouted, turning the camera to me. I had an arm thrown over my eyes but my lips were in a wide grin.

One that felt so unfamiliar. Why was I grinning like that?

"I didn't agree to this" I took my arm off my face and heard her scoff but before she could say anything, I cupped her face and kissed her lips.

My heart skipped and I spun us around, hovering over her. The phone dropped out of her hand and it was focused on my face. I claimed her lips and the camera now focused on the ceiling. At some point, the phone fell to the floor.

We had sex. I could tell from the moans, airy whispers of my name and grunts.

I sounded so happy. It was all I could think about after realization settled in. I sounded so happy, I was jealous of myself.

"Theo" I heard Asher's voice and shoved my phone into my pocket as I looked up at him. Imade who stood next to him nursed a glass of champagne and looked everywhere but at me. It hurt.

She donned a lavender dress with the tiniest straps and a high slit. It moulded perfectly around her body and her blonde braids were put in an elegant bun. Her lashes fluttered as she glanced around.

"Y-you look uh...amazing tonight, Imade" she cleared her throat and excused herself. Asher shook his head and I picked up my glass of whiskey, watching her walk farther away from me.

It hurt so much.

"You know you're hurting her more, right? She remembers everything even if you don't. You were the one who asked her to leave -stop doing this to her, Theo. Don't be selfish" I scoffed, raising a brow at him.

"Selfish? I might not remember but I still love her! My heart just hurts and's like I might die." He shook his head, clearly unsatisfied.

Walking away from him, I followed in the direction Imade had taken. I moved past the guests in attendance and found her at the veranda, staring at the garden maze downstairs.

I felt nervous and decided to watch her for a few minutes. She took a small sip of her champagne and swirled the alcohol in her glass around.

She was sad.

"Hey" I whispered and walked next to her, standing beside her. She looked shorter than I remembered. Something about the moment was familiar.

"What do you want?" She turned to me and I wanted to kiss her lips and nose like I did in those dreams. I wanted to know what her lips felt like. Her voice was warm, something familiar about it.

"I...I'm sorry that I can't remember. I want to because it feels like those were the most amazing moments of my life -the ones I spent with you" I stuttered the words out and she tilted her head.

"It doesn't make a difference anymore. We spent a year together, Theo. You don't remember a second...where do we start? It's been one year now"

"I-i know, baby. I know. I-i...just spend a day with me. Twenty four hours is all I'm asking for" my heart was thumping and my knees went weak under her gaze. I brought my shaky hand up to cup her cheek.

She was so warm. So beautiful. So familiar and yet, unfamiliar.

A small sob escaped her lips and it felt like my heart was breaking.

"I can't. It's a losing battle anyways"

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