Six - Golden Bands And Dates

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I stood at the mall, ignoring the looks that I got -or the looks I felt like I was getting- and placed the Golden band on the counter.

My back ached from how stiffly I was standing. It had always been like this but it was much different when I taught students. Teaching was my comfort zone in a sense.

If I was going to start over then I needed to let go of the past and that included pawning the ring off.

I remembered how expensive it was when I got it. Yes, I bought my own wedding ring and now I realized how -in a way- I was getting married to myself.

Which was why I wasn't throwing the ring away. I didn't need the money. I had enough.

"Wow. This is some antique shit. Hard gold" the man behind the counter hummed and combed his fingers through his beards.

"How much is it worth?" I grunted out, uncomfortable talking to him and glanced around the store, searching for nothing in particular until my eyes caught someone.
My brows furrowed and I leaned towards the side to have a better look.

It was her.

At the silent declaration, my heart began to skip hard. She donned a simple white dress that accentuated her waist and held a necklace up to her neck -seemingly trying to see how it would look on her skin.

This time, her short blonde curls were nowhere to be found. Just curly honey brown hair that fell up to her ass. Beautiful either way.

Speaking of ass...she was bloody gifted.

"How much you want for it?" He asked, pulling my thoughts away from her. I glanced down at the bearded man for a couple of seconds before looking back to her.

"Excuse me" I mumbled and made my way towards the girl who was admiring a couple of necklaces and bracelets.

I could feel myself choke up nervously because I wasn't sure of what to say to her.

What the fuck was I supposed to say?

Maybe I could ask her to buy me the coffee she was offering yesterday?

"No. Why the hell would you do that?" I grumbled to myself and exhaled, watching her as she picked up a pair of gold hoop earrings. The earrings matched her skin tone to perfection and beyond.

Maybe I could just ask her if she wanted to eat somewhere...anywhere.

She had a small bag handing from her shoulder. A brown leather bag that I doubted could actually hold anything.

"H-" I choked up and sighed, my nerves eating at me. She spun around abruptly and her eyes widened when she realized how close I was to her. I would have been convinced the honey brown hair was real if I didn't see her the previous day. Unlike yesterday, she didn't have that yellow eyeliner but a baby blue one -almost pastel.

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