Sixteen - Physical Contact And Ass Kissing

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She laid on my thigh and I ran my finger up and down her spine, the sound of the TV was enough to fill the silence.

I loved having her close to me. It was more than just 'comfort'.

"You're not watching it" she nudged me and I sighed, looking at the TV where some silly romance movie was playing.

"Because it's gonna reduce my brain cells from how stupid it is" I grumbled and she gasped, turning to me with wide eyes.

"How dare you!" She sat up and I rolled my eyes, patting my thigh for her to resume her position.

"No!" She shook her head and I sighed.

"Fine. I'm sorry." I apologized halfheartedly and she grinned in satisfaction before laying her head back on my thigh but this time, she was looking at me -giving me the attention that I was silently craving for.

Her fingers combed through my beard and traced lines over my face and neck.

"You know, the first day I saw looked so out of it" she pointed out and I inhaled, thinking back to the first day that I met her. The first day I met her and the same day she had driven me crazy for her.

"You did pour steaming hot coffee all over my body" I chuckled and she rolled her eyes, hiding a smile.

"No. It wasn't the coffee -besides, I apologized and tried to wipe it off" she sat up and picked up the tube of Pringles from the table.

"Yeah...I was -I am still so mind blown by how beautiful you are" I whispered, remembering the minute she looked into my eyes and stole my heart like a little thief.

The apologetic look in her eyes. Fuck the coffee, she was absolutely beautiful.

"Are you kissing my ass because I said I wasn't going to give you Pringles?" She teased and I chuckled, combing my fingers through my hair as I looked down at her.

"If you think this is me kissing your ass, baby..." I trailed off with a chuckle and she nipped on her bottom lip before straddling me. My heart kicked and I stared at her.

I cupped her chin and rubbed my thumb over her lips. Her gaze darkening.

I moved my hands down to her ass and she suckled on my lower lip.

"Lunch date?" She sat up and I hummed in agreement, distracted by her plump lips.

Our lunch and dinner dates had easily become a thing. We ate lunch or dinner together. It gave me more time to spend with her.

"Where do you wanna eat at?" I looked up at her and she shrugged, playing with my hair and then my beard.

"I just want pizza" I took the tube of Pringles and threw a crunchy slice in my mouth.

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