Twenty Two - Netflix, Chill And Breakfast Dates

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Theo had his head on my thigh as we watched Lucifer on Netflix. Fortunately, Aunt Shade let me have her password. That meant one less thing I had to pay for.

He had eaten two boxes of pizza like it was nothing. I combed my fingers through his hair and he turned away from the screen to look at me before he smiled like a child.

The look on his face squeezed my heart. Like a child receiving affection for the very first time.

We didn't have sex but it almost felt like it. I wished we did. God! I wished we did.

My mind wouldn't stop replaying his groans and moans, my name.

It was his aggressive and hoarse moans that threw me off the edge. He sounded so primal. So eager. Like he couldn't control himself.

I kissed his lips and he sighed into the kiss, causing my heart and mind to go crazy.

This was more than a 'crush'. I liked this man. Love is probably the proper word.

He took a slice of my own pizza and continued to watch the TV. I slept off at some point and I only opened my eyes when he placed me in my bed and climbed in.

I groaned when he was a little too far away. I shuffled into his arms and he chuckled, kissing my forehead as we both fell asleep.

We weren't nude as I'd have liked but I really didn't mind it.

I woke up to the smell of food. But no Theo.

I groaned and rolled around in bed before deciding to climb out. Fortunately, my bonnet was still in place. Heaven knew that most nights, I refused to wear it because it'd be nowhere to be found in the morning.

Slipping my legs into slippers, I walked to the kitchen and found Theo making breakfast. His back was towards me and I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Morning, Sweetheart" his voice made me think about what had happened last night and I shivered.

He turned around in my loose hold and I smiled sleepily, drawing a wide grin on his face.

"How did you sleep?" He had put his glasses on again and I couldn't get over how sexy he was.

"Beautifully. You?" I asked and slipped my hands down his back and into the band of his pants -it was really warm in there.

His eyes widened for a few seconds before he chuckled.

"The best I've had in a while. You go freshen up and I'll call you when breakfast is done?" He ran his fingers along my chin softly and I nodded but reluctantly pulled away from him.

He stole a small kiss from my lips before he went back to making breakfast. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before washing my face.

Using a gel and some spritz, I slicked my hair down. I hummed to myself and swayed from left to right. I cut a left part, and as soon as I was done, I put a durag on it. I snapped my bonnet back in place before climbing into the shower.

"Breakfast is done, sweetie. You all done?"

"Could you grab me something to wear, Theo?" I yelled, hoping he could hear me under the sound of the pelting water.


I washed my face and stepped out of the shower, grabbing my towel off the rack and wrapping to around my body.

I stared at myself in the mirror and I smiled when i thought about Theo and I last night. Stepping out of the shower, I met with Theo who was standing in front of the door, holding a pair of jeans and a silk white top. A light blue thong hung from his other hand.

Glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. His shirt was still missing. I grinned and hugged him tight, causing him to chuckle.

"Maybe I should've taken a shower with you" he kissed my head and I hummed in absolute satisfaction.

I was completely satisfied and absolutely in love.

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