Fifteen - Dessert And White Chocolate

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There was a knock at my door and I stood up, my heart skipping in delight.

"Come in?" I called and my smile dropped when it wasn't Imade. It was the red haired girl. The one who had popped up in front of my baby's house.

"Yes, Holly. How may I help you?" I sat on the edge of my table and watched her, tilting my head to the side.

She had -more than once- begged me to take her on a date when I was still married to Glenn. I didn't.

I simply attributed it to childish stupidity.

"G-good morning, Professor Stephen, I...I just wanted apologize for-"

"Theo, I-" Imade barged in and stopped mid-statement, eyed widened consecutively. I eyed her and told my heart to be still before it gave me a fucking heart attack but then...would I really mind?

She was absolutely beautiful.

"Oh. Sorry. I can com-"

"Sit down" I nudged my chin in the direction of my chair and Imade shrugged her bag off, placing it on my table before she sat down on my chair. My gaze followed her and I admired her hair.

I had a feeling I was going to get an earful and I was definitely looking forward to it.

I turned away from her to Holly who had turned red in the face as she stared at Imade before she darted out of my office.

I inhaled and shut my eyes before I opened them and walked to the door, locking it behind me.


"Where did you leave your phone all weekend? Theo!" I loved when she said my name like that. I walked towards her and sat on the table. She had her brows

'Theo! Theo this! Theo that! Theo harder! Theo please! Theo I'm gonna cum!'

"I'm sorry, baby. My phone got wet and I haven't gotten it fixed yet" I explained and cupped her face, running my fingers over her lips that I had been thinking about the entire weekend.

I trailed my fingers up to her hair and she smacked my hand, narrowing her eyes at me -showing that she was unsatisfied with my apology and explanation.

"Don't touch it. You'll mess it up and I don't understand why you're using that instead of smart phone. I tried calling you and texting you" I sighed and she placed her chin on my thigh, looking up at me.

I was intrigued by the color of her hair.

"Theo!" She called out again and I ran my knuckle over her chin. She exhaled and leaned into my touch.

"I don't like smartphones. However, you on the other hand...I like you and I like what I see" I grumbled out and she giggled before standing up, making herself comfortable in between my thighs.

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