Eighteen - Inheritance And Erotica

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I walked through the library, hoping to spend my free time here. I had rolled down my sleeves and pulled my coat on while my glasses sat on the bridge of my nose. I could still smell her on my clothes and that was comfort enough -or at least comfort for the next couple of hours.

I trusted her. Fuck, I trusted her with every fiber of my being but that kid looked like he fucked everything in clothes.

I walked into the erotica aisle, my hands in my pocket as I glanced over the books arranged on the brown glossy shelves.

The Art Of Taming A Rake.

Of course, the book caught my eye even if I had read it a couple of times. I skipped over it this time and my eyes settled on a visibly new book at the tallest part of the shelf.

I reached for it the same time someone else did but clearly, her hands couldn't reach them.

"Oh!" She said and I turned to her. Innocent blue blue eyes stared into mine intently and she nipped on her bottom lip.

Not in a way that Imade would. God! That girl could make anything sexy.

"I'm so sorry" she began again and I hummed, picking the book to hand it to her. She seemed to be about my age and she wore a white sundress with blue butterflies on the bottom part of it.

Long blonde hair was in a low ponytail that swooshed from side to side as she moved. Her lashes fluttered and she tucked loose strands of her hair behind me as she took the book from me.

"Thank you. Uh I'm Milana" she smiled and I offered her a small smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Miliana" I was about to walk around her since she seemed like she wasn't going to budge.

"I-i didn't get your name?" She stood in front of me again, closer to me this time around. Much closer than I'd like.

"Because I didn't give it" I raised a brow, getting irritated already. She was slowly breaking into my personal space. I took a step back and she nibbled on her bottom lip.

"Do you wanna go out for coffee?" She asked and I narrowed my eyes at her.

Was she joking?

"I have a girlfriend" I grunted out and walked past her, irritatedly.

I grabbed a random novelette off the shelf and walked to one of the cubicles in the corner. I made myself comfortable on a chair, placing the book on the table.

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