Seven - Silver Eyes And Just Lunch

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I took a sip of my wine and asked myself why I even agreed to go to 'lunch' with him.

I couldn't lie, he looked much better than he did the other day.

Much much much better.

There was no exaggeration. He looked like one of those male models that I stalked on Instagram.

I'm not ashamed to say that.

Silver eyes that I wouldn't have noticed if he didn't take those glasses off, long lashes, brown hair in a loose bun and a beard that made his jawline even more prominent.

His beard had been trimmed since the last time I saw him.

His frame was wide and he easily towered over me. Twice as tall as I was. I could only imagine how he'd look underneath those clothes. He was practically a large bear...a very sexy one.

He was handsome. Sexy in a conservative way.

The restaurant was pretty.

With glass walls that permitted us see the people outside. I asked Theodore to order something for me and we both got some chicken Alfredo. It tasted amazing and I made a mental note to come here some other day to treat myself -if I didn't spend all of my money ordering things off Amazon.

The silence at the table stretched and he cleared his throat. We had both finished our food and we sipped on wine in the awkward silence.

Was this a date? It couldn't be. Could it? Nothing wrong with it being a date. Or was there? Nah...its was a date...was it? Was I over thinking this?

"So you've been teaching for how long?" I asked, turning towards him and his eyes met mine, causing me to grow nervous a bit. He had really beautiful eyes.

I was never nervous! Never!

"Uh...a long time" he nodded and I hummed, the awkwardness in the air just grew.

Way to keep the conversation going, Professor Stephen. What was I supposed to say to that? 'Oh that's cool'?

My phone rang from my bag and I let out a sigh of relief, placing my glass of wine on the table.

"Excuse me" I mumbled and unzipped my bag, pulling my phone out of it. Of course, it was Aunty Shade.

"Oh it's fine" he replied and bit down on his lower lip, stealing my attention at the simple action for a couple of seconds until my phone rang again.

I answered it and pressed the phone against my ear.

"Ma?" I asked turning away from him but I could feel the heat of his gaze. It was scorching hot.

"Imade! I'm going to send you some money to buy somethings for me because Kolade's sister is coming to California and I would've asked her to buy it o! But ole ni. She'll steal all my money and buy inferior products. So, when she gets there, you'll pack them up and give them to her. She'll bring it to Nigeria on her way back. Anyways, I just wanted to inform you. How are you?" She rattled off about her sister-in-law and there was no lie there.

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