BONUS - Happily Ever After

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I was only slightly bothered because of my outfit. After all, it was a formal setting.
I just came back from the uni, picked the kids up at my mom and Aunty Shade's place and drove here. It was my second time here at the company.

I wasn't too thrilled to be around people who walked around in formal suits like robots for some reason.

I was wearing a pair of dark blue ripped jeans, a light pink turtle neck sweater paired with an ash overcoat and a pair of sneakers.

Safe to say, I probably looked like I stole the kids who sat comfortably in their stroller.

But then again, I was a lot cuter than they were. Of course, I was. They got it from their mom. Me.

"How can I help you, little girl?" The lady at the reception popped her gum, staring at me like she was wondering how I got past the security with the kids.

"Excuse me?" I smiled but it probably looked like a grimace.

"How can I help you?" She asked again, staring me right in the eye.

Taking a deep breath and counting to ten, I told myself being a mother didn't mean I couldn't slap someone.

"I'm here to see Theo" I smiled sweetly at her because as Theo said, I lost a few screws when I had the kids. She best not make me lose the two loose screws left in my head.

She giggled, pressing her palm to her mouth like I this some stand up comedy show. I envied the kids in moments like this. They were so oblivious to everything happening here and they were giggling, babbling 'da-da and ma-ma'

Oh, the joys of childhood ignorance.

"Everyone is here to see the CEO but they dress the part. You see the CEO without an appointment dressed like that with those kids?" she eyeballed me, giggling and I couldn't believe I was taking this amount of disrespect. Emi.

Staring blankly at her, I let out a scoff because it was ridiculous. I was being disrespected for wanting to see my husband? The nerve.

"Look, the CEO doesn't take it lightly with uninvited g-" I snatched her collar, pulling her over the counter, eliciting a squeal from her lips and I leaned in.

"Are you insane? I your boss down here. Now" I snapped and with wide eyes, she blindly tapped away on the phone sitting at the desk.

"M-mr. Stephens. There's a girl here to see you...with two" Her voice was visibly shaking and I let her go, clearing my throat.

She coughed, rubbing her throat as she glared at me like I didn't just almost strangle her a few seconds ago.

I glared at her for the rest of the time I waited for Theo.

"Sweetheart?" I heard Theo's voice and I turned to him, a grin on my face. Damn, this man always looked good. He looked even hotter than he did his morning.

I could see the hickeys I left on his neck this morning all the way from here and I smiled, nipping on my bottom lip.

He had the sleeves of his light blue shirt rolled up and a pen in his hair, holding it in a messy bun.

I nipped on my bottom lip, wiggling my fingers shyly at him as he walked towards us.

"Hey daddy"

He chuckled and walked around the strollers, wrapping an arm around my waist before pressing a kiss to the side of my head. He smelled so good.

"I hope you had a great day? Why didn't you call? I'd have come to pick you up" he mumbled and peeked over the strollers, making the kids giggle nonstop, squealing and making grabby hands.

"Oh, look. It's daddy's little munchkins" he cooed, already distracted by the kids. He was such an amazing father.

"I called. Where's your phone?" I offered him a saccharine smile and we pushed the kids as we walked towards the elevator. We stepped in and he turned to me, an apologetic smile on his face as he mouthed an 'oh right!'

"I forgot it in the pocket of my jacket. I'm sorry" He whispered and as the doors closed, he covered my face in kisses, making me laugh.

"It's fine. The receptionist was really rude though" I mumbled like I didn't grab her collar but she started it. If she didn't talk like that, I wouldn't have done that. Tit for tat.

"She was?" His voice turned hard, jaws clenched before he turned to me again, a smile on his face.

"She's a new employee on probation -her father is a business partner but don't worry...I'll take care of it" he turned to me, running his palm over my head before he pressed his lips to mine.

"Did you have ice cream?" He asked when he pulled back, a smirk on his face and I laughed.

"Yeah. Jules and I had ice cream" he hummed and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You didn't get me any?" He patted my ass and winked at me, making me gulp before he cooed at the kids again.

"But I love you regardless" he shrugged childishly and I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"I brought you lunch" I held up the large food cooler I held and right on cue, his stomach growled.

"Ugh...I fucking love you" he mumbled as the doors of the elevator opened. We walked to his office and I dropped in his seat, letting out a sigh.

He swept Lade into his arms and the little girl squealed, too excited to be in Theo's arms. Dayo gurgled and Theo chuckled at him, tapping his nose lightly

"Dinner date, tonight?" Theo asked as I scrolled through my phone. I smiled and leaned back in my chair, forcing back a laugh.

"Depends" I tilted my head and he smiled, nipping on his bottom lip. Lade reached out to take the pencil in Theo's hair.

"On what, darling?" He walked towards the table. I gulped and exhaled lightly.

"Where we're eating"

"Well...i was thinking of having a candlelight dinner at home. You'll have whatever you want...I'll have you for dinner" he grinned and my cheeks burned. For some reason, I glanced at the kids like they could hear him.

Maybe they could.

Regardless, I wasn't turning down such a sweet offer.

"Well, okay. I'll ask Ash to pick the kids" I smiled.

Contrary to what anyone thought, Asher was an amazing godfather. He bought a house in California after I had the kids. It was pretty much like a baby's playhouse. Probably every baby's dream because Dayo always cried whenever we picked them up. Lade couldn't care less. It was usually quite comical to watch.

"Any specific requests for dinner?" He asked, walking around the table till he was next to me, leaning against the table.

I hummed, thinking about it.

"Nah. Just you"

"That's cheesy as hell" he tut-tutted but he laughed nonetheless.

I smiled and wondered how lucky I was to have such a beautiful family. I was truly blessed.

Finally! I hope y'all enjoyed it. Please let me know if you did.

Chileee. Y'all! I got on a flight a few weeks ago and I was given 'happy hour' (some juice for kids) because I was assumed to be a 13-15 year old. I'm not even a teenager😂
Everyone else got bottled water and I got baby juice -twice. 😌

I have a Ko-Fi account so, if you'd like to support/tip me, don't be afraid. *winks seductively*
My username is SilkThoughts on there and the link is in my bio.

Thank you for reading my book! I love you guys

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