Four - Chocolate Cake And Vanilla Tea

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"He's not gonna mind. He doesn't mind anything so, you're good" Noah tried to assure me that 'Professor Stephen' wasn't pissed.

Of course! He wasn't going to tell me that but I saw the red burn marks on his chest.

"Ugh" I groaned and buried my face in my palms. I felt really bad about it.

"Here's your chocolate cake and vanilla tea" a waitress stood next to us and placed my order on the table.

"Thank you" I smiled at her and she placed Noah's order in front of him.

Noah and I talked a little as we ate and he made jokes, causing me to laugh but I couldn't help but think about Professor Stephen.

Was he okay?

"Maybe I could pick you up tomorrow and show you around the campus cause classes aren't starting until after a week" Noah informed me and I hummed, still slightly distracted by the 'professor'.

Why did he look so haggard? So unkempt? Dark bags under his eyes. His eyes clearly screamed for help.

Was he okay?

Something about him called out to me but I wasn't one to 'gossip' or poke my nose in other people's business.

I hoped he would get through whatever it was that he was going through.

"I might need some time to myself tomorrow, know? Familiarize myself with my environment. I also have to get a couple of things done at the bank" I told him and he nodded like he understood what I was saying. We went back to our food but he still lingered somewhere in the back of my mind.

I pulled some money out of my pocket and placed it on the table as soon as I finished my food.

"What do you think you're doing?" He frowned at the crisp green dollar bill like it had offended him and I shrugged, sliding it under the cup.

"Paying for our lunch" I smiled sweetly at him and his frown disappeared as he stared at me.

"Fine but next time, the bills are on me" he narrows his eyes at me and I shrugged with a smile.

I wasn't letting him pay for my lunch.

"So the grocery store next, right?" He pushed the door to the cafe open for me and I stepped out, nodding.

My mind just wouldn't let me forget that man, would it?

What was it about him? He looked like an eccentric man.

I shook my head to rid it of the thoughts of the professor as we headed towards the car and I made a mental note of the things I needed from the store so that I didn't overspend even if I knew I was going to.

When we got to the store, I went in search of food first and then a couple of chocolates. I managed to ignore the tubs of ice cream the first time I walked by the freezer but I couldn't ignore it the second time. I also got a few toiletries, deodorants and this amazing perfume that smelled like ice cream.

I waved at Noah as he drove off. After we got back from the store -where I had bought way more than I planned to, Noah paid for my things and as much as I appreciated the gesture, I didn't enjoy it.
I had to pay him back some way.

Four large bags sat on the kitchen counter and one held all of my toiletries. I let out a yawn and hugged the bag to my chest, walking to the bathroom to place everything where they were supposed to be. I folded the bag up and placed it in the top shelf before walking to my room, dropping my bag on the chair.

"I really need a massage" I groaned, dropping on my bed and shut my eyes, hoping that I'd wake up in time to make dinner. I slowly succumbed to the lulls of sleep.

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