Ten - Such A Huge Ego

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He didn't call again after that night. I called three times and he ended the calls before they even rang.

I wasn't going to lie, I was hurt.
Was his ego that fragile? I was only speaking what had to be said but it seemed like he didn't want to hear it.

That wasn't the question, though. The question was...why was I hurt that he didn't call back? Why?

Yet! I still couldn't close my eyes without thinking about him. About his silver eyes and left dimple. His gold rimmed glasses.

It had been three days. I was at the mall, walking through as I scrolled through the list on my phone.

Yesterday, I had put up an ad, offering the services of a makeup artist and a hair stylist because I needed to start saving some money. I had gotten a couple of enquirers but nothing solid.

Hopefully, it worked out because I was spending most of my money on food and makeup and I didn't want to be dependent the monthly allowance.

Noah had come over to my place in the morning and I offered him breakfast, just typical spaghetti and stew and he offered to drive me to the mall but I refused.

"The fuck is this?" I grumbled to myself, zooming into the picture that Aunty Shade has sent to me. Her messy writing was making it hard to see anything and I had bought more than half of the things on the list and safe to say, my eyes were about to fall out.

It was too messy to even assume what was written there.

I hissed, tempted to go home with the three bags filled with beauty products and forget the others.

My phone rang and I my heart jumped as Theodore's name popped up on the screen. I contemplated answering his call before letting out a sigh, swiping a finger across the screen before I pressed it against my ear.

"H-hey Sweetie" my heart was begging to be let out of its cage and I inhaled.


The sound of his voice was soothing. Especially with that soft endearment. I liked it. I liked it a lot.

"Professor Stephen" I pursed my lips and hoping that I sounded as calm as I thought I did.

"I-do you-Uh...Hey?" He sounded extremely nervous and my lips spread into a smile as I stepped into the next store.

"I know...I just have this feeling that you're angry at me. I know you are. Can I see you?" There was a plea hanging unto every word he spoke and I smacked my lips together, spreading my lipgloss, excited to see him.

"I'm at the mall right now" I glanced down at my nails.

"Now? I'll be there. W-what part of the mall?" I bit down on my lip, smiling. It was sexy. His stutter mixed with the nervousness in his low and deep voice.

It was absolutely sexy.

"Sweetheart? What part of the mall?"

"Oh! The uh bath and body works store. You know it?" I asked, stepping into the store while I heard keys on the other end of the call.

"Alright, Baby girl. I'll be there" he grunted out and I hummed before hanging up. I hoped I would have to wait too long but I was excited to see him again.

Yes, the fact that this wasn't right was making me almost uncomfortable but we could just be friends, right?

I doubted that myself.

It wouldn't be long before I'd probably seduce the poor man.

I looked around the store, searching for a new body wash for myself and aunt Shade. I had bought a couple of things for my mama too.

My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket all too excitedly. It was Theodore.

"You here?" I could hardly keep the excitement out of my voice.

"Yeah. I'm at the door" I laughed at how uncomfortable he sounded before walking towards the door, my phone still pressed against my ear.

He saw me before I saw him. His eyes were already on me and he brought his phone away from his ear, ending the call. My heart thudded as we stood a few feet away from each other.

"Hey" he started and I smiled, walking towards him.

"Hey to you too. It's been forever. How are you doing?" I stood beside him like a three inch plant next to a palm tree. His hair was slightly messy in a low bun and he looked like his beard had overgrown again. His gold rimmed glasses were perched on the bridge of his nose. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"I'm sorry. I panicked and I realize that I shouldn't have hung up on-"

"That's fine. Let's go" I walked towards the aisle where I had found a body wash that smelled like coconut and raspberries but he took my hand before I walked any further.
The contact almost had me forgetting how to stand.

I turned to him, gulping hard and wondering why he was making this hard but it was hard to ignore the troubled look on his face.

"Are we good?" He tilted his head and I smiled, nodding before pulling him in the direction of the aisle.

"Wanna get anything from bath and body works?" I asked as I tugged on his hand while he walked behind me.

"I'm good" his voice was almost a grumble.
I picked the body wash and then a few others.

"Lunch?" He asked, and I turned to him. It was obvious how uncomfortable he was.

"You okay?" I glanced around the aisle and when I noticed that no one was around, I moved closer to him. His cologne filled my senses.

I let his hand go and stood on my toes, taking his glasses off, looking into his eyes that made me shiver delightfully.

"I don't know" he replied and placed a hand on the small of my back like he was too scared to touch me before he placed a kiss on my forehead. His beard ticked my face and I laughed, pushing him off.

"Okay, Sir. That..." I pointed at his beard and he looked adorably confused.

"Has got to go" I pursed my lips and his lips spread into a smile. His hand was still on the small of my back but his touch was more comfortable.

"You don't like it?"

"I do but that's a lot of beard" I shrugged and he hummed, placing a kiss on my forehead, causing me to laugh.

"Stop" I gripped his arms with a giggle and he chuckled. I froze for a couple of seconds at the sound of his deep and heavy chuckle. Like cold water on a very hot day.


He pulled back with a grin on his face.

How handsome could one person be? How was he not married? Or engaged?

"So, yes to lunch?" He asked again and I hummed, pulling my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through the list.

"I still have to get a couple of things for my aunt. Come with me?" I pouted at him and his smile dropped as he stared at my lips. His other hand moved up and he ran his index finger over my lips.

It seemed like he didn't intend to make it sexual but my body was clearly misinterpreting that.

"Anything you want, baby" he kissed the side of my head and I gripped his shirt, his glasses hung limply from my other hand.

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