Twenty One - Showers And Midnight Snacks[18+]

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I knocked on her door at 1 something A.M, holding three boxes of pizza because I could eat a whole box and a few slices in one sitting.

The door was pulled open and I saw her again. She took my breath away like it was the very first time. I stepped in, kissing her head as she locked the door behind me.

"I've never seen you in sweatpants before..." I heard her as I stepped into the kitchen, leaving the boxes on the island.

I just threw on a pair of grey sweatpants and a white roundneck shirt in a hurry while crazy Asher chased behind my truck, screaming to wait for him.

I leaned against the door jamb, eyeing her as she stood in her living room wearing a blue nightdress. Her lips spread into a smile and I returned it.

I held my arms out, thoroughly unsatisfied with the minimal physical contact we had today. Very unsatisfied.

She walked into my arms and I swept her up. An arm around her waist and my other hand on the back of her head as she buried her face in my neck. I kissed her neck as her legs locked around my waist.

I inhaled her scent, relaxing instinctively.

"You smell so good" I whispered and she giggled. I combed my fingers through her curly hair and she pulled back, brown eyes on my lips.

My heart was racing. God! The things she did to me.

Her fingers ran through my hair as she let out a sigh. I made my way to the bathroom, kicking the door open.

I was a tad bit familiar with the tiny bathroom. Her white shower curtain with a large rainbow on it was pulled to the side and her counter looked like there were even more products on it.

Letting her sit on the counter, I pulled back. Her legs kicked back and forth excitedly as those beautiful brown eyes stared at me.

I pulled my shirt off, my hands almost touching the ceiling. She inhaled deeply and bit on the insides of her cheek, causing her lips to jut out.

"You're so very hot" she whispered and grinned, pulling her nightdress off. Her confidence put mine to shame. I wasn't naturally confident but the way she looked at me and touched me made me feel like I was perfect.

I gulped as her thighs came into view and then her stomach. Her hips and thighs were unimaginably delicious. Thick.
Stretch marks, I could see on the sides of her hips and thighs.

Her waist was narrower -only slightly and then as she dropped her dress on the counter. Her nipples had turned erect, clearly hungry for some attention. She was probably and A-cup or a B.

Her pussy had a light strip of dark hair that almost had me drooling. Her stomach wasn't flat either.

She wasn't 'perfect' by society's metric. Or those beauty standards.

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