BONUS - Nightdress, Nightmare.

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I turned around in bed, burying my face in the pillow as my hands ran over the sheets but I couldn't find her anywhere.

My heart skipped a painful beat and I shot up, glancing around the room.

It was blurry, so I reached for my glasses and put it on, searching for Imade only to find her sitting at the edge of the bed with her arms crossed against her chest as she stared at me.

"What the hell are you doing? It's 3AM or something" I grumbled, dissatisfied with waking up alone.
I climbed out of bed, gulping at the sight of her nightdress.

The dress was void of any decency, the silk material exposed every curve of her body, the cups of her breasts and the bump of her nipples, the swell of her hips and the dip of her waist.

"You must have been enjoying your sleep. Don't bother with me at all" she snapped with a smile on her face as she stood up.
I frowned, wondering if I have done anything to make her mad.

"Did I...did I do something, love?" I reached for hand immediately, my heart beginning to slam against my chest in fear of the unknown.

She glanced up at me, eyes narrowed.

"I need to go pee" she answered in a tone that made it a little too obvious that she was mad and I sighed, letting go of her.
Imade scoffed and turned around.

Instinctively, I followed behind her into the bathroom.

"Is this because of the dessert you couldn't have last night? We'll just have what you want tonight, okay? I was just worried because you're on your period. Don't be mad, okay?" I crouched in front of her and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm on the toilet seat, Sir. A little privacy?" She muttered and I raised a brow.

Privacy? Please.

We use the bathroom at the same time. Where was the notion of privacy at that time?

"Tell me why you're mad at me, baby. Please?" I ran my fingers along her cheek and she looked away, seeming a little embarrassed and in that moment, I just wanted to kiss her.

"I saw it..." she trailed off and I frowned, wondering about what it could possibly be that she saw.

Did she see me eating the ice cream she put in the fridge?

Did she know that I hid a few of her clothes?

"I had a dream that you cheated on me" she pouted and I froze, thinking about what she was saying.

Has my girlfriend gone mad? Has she somehow...lost her mind?

"W-what?" I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing.

My girlfriend, whom I was more or less obsessed with, was mad at me at 3AM in the morning because of a dream. A dream that would never come true even if I would be beheaded.

A chuckle escaped my lips at how truly ridiculous it was.

"Was she pretty?" I asked, looking into those beguiling brown eyes.

"What?" Her brows furrowed like she was saying 'say it again, I fucking dare you' and I smiled.

"The girl I cheated on you with...was she pretty?" I leaned in, my lips only inches away from hers. She was speechless.

"It doesn't matter anyways. No one could possibly be prettier than you. You're the most beautiful woman in the world. You're the one I love and I'd rather die than cheat on you. You know that right?" I nudged my nose against hers as I whispered against her lips.

Her lashes fluttered and she cleared her throat, looking very embarrassed, causing me to laugh.

I stood up and ran my fingers over her hair before I stepped out of the bathroom.

I dropped down on the bed and she climbed back into bed after a while, crawling into my arms.

"If you cheat on me, I'll kill you myself" she muttered into the darkness of our room and I chuckled, holding her tight.

"Yes, ma'am"

"If you cheat on me, I'll take all your money and marry someone else" she added and I smiled, burying my nose in her hair, feeling like she wasn't close enough.

"Yes ma'am"

"If you cheat on me, I'll...I'll—"

"I'll never ever cheat on you. After all, you're the reason for my existence. Without you..." I could feel my heart racing at the thought of a life without her.

"Without you...nothing makes sense. I love you even more than I should. But you know this, don't you?" I flashed a smile at her and she scoffed before laughing, wrapping her arms around me, throwing her leg over me.

"I love you" she sings and I smile, patting her lightly on her back until she falls asleep.

A laugh escaped my lips and I was truly amazed at the turn of the events today. Of course, she knows that I love her but she would never be able to comprehend how much.

I love her so much, it scares me. If she could see what goes on in my mind, the things that I want to do to her so that she can only be mine for now and all of eternity, she'd run.

But it's too late now.

"Good night, my love" I press a kiss to her forehead and shut my eyes, falling asleep to the sound of her rhythmic breathing and my arms tight around her waist.

Are you shocked? Did I surprise you?
It's been a while and I will be putting up bonus chapters once in a while.
I've missed 'crazy' Theo.
Enjoy, my loves.
-Aduke <3

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