Nineteen* - Attention Cravings And Breakfast

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"Alright, Baby. I'm waiting for you" I could feel Asher breathing down my neck like the idiot he was.

As soon as we got home, we talked for a while and Asher made himself something to eat. I decided to drive to the mall to pick Imade up but he insisted on coming so, I let him come on the condition that he sat in the back and said nothing.

I sat in the car, waiting for her. She had called me a few minutes after I drove into the parking lot for me to come pick her up.

"You're keeping me in suspense, Theo. I hate you" I turned to him, eyeing him and wondering how an immature man like him could even manage a whole company but the truth was, Asher knew when to get serious.

The door was pulled open and she climbed in. I exhaled, feeling all the tension leave my shoulders at the sight of her pink and blue hair, her glossy lips.

"Hey Theo" she giggled, cupping my face as she pressed a kiss to my lips. I inhaled and returned the kiss with an equal hunger and urgency. It had been too long.

"Wow" Imade pulled back and let out a small squeal of fright at the sight of him. Asher had a grin on his face and I had forgotten about his existence.

Imade exhaled and glanced at me while Ash stared at her. Her eyes widened, nudging her chin lightly in Ash's direction like she was chastising me and asking me something.

'Who the fuck is this?'

"Imade, meet Ash, a friend. Ash, Imade" I introduced them and Ash chuckled, taking Imade's hand before he pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

"My are much different from what I expected" he smirked and Imade raised a brow before glancing at me.

The 'implication' of his words words weren't lost on either of us but I knew Asher didn't mean for it to sound like that.

I sighed and pulled her hand out of his hold.

"Shut the fuck up, Ash" I grumbled and placed my hand on her thigh. I ran my tongue over my lip, tasting her balm on them even when her lips weren't on mine.

Silence reigned in the car as I drove out. Imade glanced outside the window and my heart jumped painfully. Was she angry? I rubbed her thighs, hungry for her attention like I thrived off it.

And maybe I did.

I gripped her thighs tight and she glanced at me, raising a brow.

"Still up for dinner?" I glanced back at the road for a few seconds before meeting her eyes and she sighed.

"Nah. I just need to rest" I sighed, biting back a groan as I continued driving, attempting to satisfy my physical hunger with my hand on her thigh.

Her phone rang out and she pulled it out of her small back while I glared at a pouting Asher in the backseat.

"Aunty Shade?" She continued to stare out the window and she smiled.

"Yeah. Thank you -I saw it. Mo lo si mall leni pelu ore mi kan" she laughed and I exhaled, the sound made me feel like my lungs were empty. No air.

"Yeah, I'm on my way home now but I'll call you as soon as I get home. Yeah. Video call" she added and nodded like the person on the other end could see her.

"Alright. Love you" she hummed and hung up as we neared her home.

It didn't take too long for us to get to her home. I parked in front of her house and she turned to me with a smile -that I could tell was forced.

"Good night, Theodore" she nodded curtly at Ash before she opened the door, climbed out and shut it behind her.

I watched her walk into her house and I groaned.

"Did you really have to say that?" I turned to him, scared that I had chased her away.

"What was wrong with what I said? I just meant that she looked beautiful" He sounded confused and I sighed, resting my head against the headrest.

Minutes passed while Ash hummed to fill the silence and I stared at the silk scarf wrapped around her headrest.

I climbed out of the car and walked to her door, knocking on it.

She didn't answer immediately but a few minutes later, she opened the door wearing a large shirt and I doubted that she wore anything underneath it.

"I-I'm sorry about what he said, okay? I've known Ash for over twenty years and he speaks without thinking. I'll talk to him, I promise" I looked into her eyes, hoping she would see the sincerity in them.

"I had a feeling he didn't mean it like that but it's fine now. You should've told me there was someone in the car before I kissed you" she kissed her teeth and smacked my arm, causing me to lean against the jamb of her door.

"Too distracted by you. Tomorrow? Breakfast?" I offered, shoving my hands into my pocket as they itched to touch her hair.

She grinned, leaning against the door. I bit down on my lip, knowing I couldn't take the kiss I hungered for tonight. It'd have to wait till tomorrow.

I ran my fingers along the side of her face and my thumb over her lips. Three little words threatened to leave my lips if I didn't let her go in soon enough.

"Breakfast tomorrow" I wasn't leaving any space for negotiations. It was either breakfast or breakfast.

"Ash's gonna stay at my place for a little while"

"He could have breakfast with us" she suggested and I raised a brow, glancing back at the waiting pickup truck. The window had been rolled down and Ash had his head out, staring at us like he was watching live blue film or something.

"Fucker" I grumbled under my breath and turned to my baby.

"Maybe. Sweet dreams, Sweetheart" I winked and she giggled, wiggling her fingers at me before stepping into the house and shutting the door behind her.

I walked back to the car and Ash crawled to the front, wide eyed.

" love her!"

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