Twenty - Chocolate Bars And Vodka

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I spun around in the swiveling chair and Asher chuckled, dipping the chocolate bar in his vodka.

"She is beautiful. I'm not gonna deny but...twenty?" He wasn't discouraging me. There was simply caution in his voice. I shrugged and took a sip of my scotch before shaking my head.

"You were nineteen when sh-"

"She's mature enough -I mean that in every aspect. She's smart. It's not about her age and please for fuck's sake. Do not say anything about her being 'different from what you expected' or 'exquisite'. She doesn't like that" I grunted and he hummed.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I gotta apologize tomorrow. I didn't mean to come off as a dick" he pursed his lips and I sighed, eyeing him.

"So tell me. How did you meet?" He smirked, wiggling his brow. I laughed, thinking about the day we met.

"I was walking out of the coffee shop, holding a scorching cup of coffee. She ran into me and I got steaming hot coffee all over. It was certainly love at first sight for me" I smiled and looked at Ash who had a small smile on his face.

"It's a wonder how she even likes your brooding ass" he tut-tutted and I showed him my middle finger.

"How's the sex?" He blurted out and I sighed. He held his tattooed hands up when I glared at him.

"How about you? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?"

"Eh...I got a couple here and there. There is someone who caught my interest though..." taking a sip of his disgusting vodka. I could see the row of chocolate bar sitting at the bottom of the glass.

I hummed in interest, silently urging him to continue as I took a sip of my scotch.

"We met on a dating site. He came to New York once but we couldn't meet cause I had to go to Paris" he shrugged and I nodded. I had a feeling he would get tired of this one again pretty soon.

"Does she know?" He asked after moments of silence and I wondered what he was asking about.

I stared at the pristine white walls and raised a brow, taking a sip of my scotch.

Did she know that I loved her?

Did she know I was married to someone for five years?

Did she know I was divorced?

Did she know I was planning on quitting my job at the university?

Did she know that I had enough money to last five generations and a couple more?

"Does she know what?" I dragged my eyes away from the wall and took another sip of my scotch to meet Ash's eyes.

"I'm not stupid, Theodore. And I didn't peg you to be an idiot either. You know what the fuck I'm talking about" he frowned, unpleased that I was 'pretending'.

"I don't" I pursed my lips and he sighed.

"Imma give you an advice, Theodore. I can see that this girl means a shitload to you. I see how you smile when you talk about her. I've never seen you like this before. I'll be honest with you...women hate secrets -and men who keep secrets- and you're keeping a lot of em." He tilted his glass at me before taking a sip.

I leaned back in my chair and nipped on my lower lip, inhaling deeply and thinking of what to do.

A couple of hours passed and we retired into our separate rooms. I had filled my glass with scotch and some ice before I went up to my room.

I unbuttoned my shirt and sat at the edge of the bed, dialing her number on my phone.

My heart skipped and my lips tugged into a grin when I heard her sleepy voice.

"Theo!" She groaned and I bit down on my lip, imagining her lying in my bed, hoarding the sheets for herself.

"Sleeping, sweetie?" I asked innocently and she scoffed. I could hear light shuffles on the other end.

"Don't act like you didn't know what you were doing, Theo. You woke me up. Now, I'm hungry" I laughed and could almost visualize the pout on her beautiful face.

"You wouldn't be hungry if you just let me take you dinner." I mocked and swirled the scotch around in my glass, hearing her mutter something.

"I could pick up some pizza for you? I don't mind bringing it over" I shrugged, glancing around my room. I would take her company over this aggravating reticence.

"It's 12:48AM, Theodore" I could picture her looking at me like I was stupid.

"So?" I didn't see her point. I could grab a few boxes of pizza on my way to her place.

I'd do anything for her.

"It's late. I don't want you driving late at night" I exhaled, nodding. My heart swelling pleasantly.

"Whatcha doin'?" She sang curiously and I shrugged, already feeling the loneliness hit me.

"Taking my clothes off. I just finished talking to Asher. You?"

"You're naked?" She whispered and I laughed, biting my lower lip.

"Are you?"

She hummed and I gulped, picturing her body in my head. I could only picture how she looked without her clothes.

"Another reason to let me come over" I groaned, feeling my cock grow hard a the thought of lying in bed next to her -her naked body against mine.

"Y...You sure?" She stuttered and I hummed, laying back on my bed and staring at the glass chandelier.

"I'm not naked yet. Besides, we could take a shower together and cuddle...naked" I smirked and heard her shuffle on the other end.

"I like the sound of that. Be careful. Okay? And don't forget my pizza" she called and I could hear her run around, making me wonder what she was doing.

"Are you cleaning up your room?"


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