Five - Whiskey And Ice

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Alcohol had become a much better companion than the silence in my home.

My home had been in existence for quite a while - it's a manor that my great uncle owned and passed down to me.

From the architecture, it was clear that it was built in the 80's. A few furnitures were even still in the home and I enjoyed the antiquated ambience and interior of the home.

The sound of the silver antique clock accompanied the silence.

What was I waiting for? I didn't know.

"What do you ever know, Theo?" I grumbled to myself and shook my head, throwing back the half empty glass of whiskey.

I couldn't help but think about her. Those innocent eyes. Those plump lips. She was so pretty. No, not pretty. She was extremely beautiful.

That kid wasn't her boyfriend. I could see it in his eyes -staring wishfully at her.

I wasn't a man to deny things I knew to be true. I was attracted to her the minute I heard that soft feminine voice of hers. Her curly short hair -I wondered how it would feel under my hand. Those blonde curls. I was certain she wasn't a natural blonde as she had a few dark hairs growing.

She was beautiful. Magnificent.

No one had ever caught my attention that way and I wanted her attention too.

"Always making the wrong decisions, Theodore. This was how you lost Glenna" I grumbled to myself and let out a sigh before pushing myself up. I stumbled slightly as I stood up.

"Fuck" I whispered and grabbed the remaining two bottles of whiskey and poured them down the drain.

The golden ring on my finger mocked me with every motion I made. Whatever I wanted to do, it caught in the light and glistened, reminding me that it was now only just a piece of accessory.

I wanted to stay angry at Glen but I couldn't. It just wasn't part of me. I loved her. There was no lie there. I would have taken her back if she wanted me to. No lie there either. But things would never remain the same again. Somehow, the thought that she had easily moved on hurt my ego.

She used to love how I dressed. I mean, not that there was anything wrong with it.
We used to spend so much time together, talking about everything and anything.

Now that I thought about it, I was the one who was doing all the talking. A surge of anger flooded through and and I pushed the rack of glasses of the table, causing it to fall to the ground and shatter into a million and one pieces.

Tears welled in my eyes.

Maybe the truth was that I had been refusing to admit that she had left me with nothing. She had taken all I had. My love, my happiness, my time. She took all of it. And left me with nothing.

The fact that I had nothing. No wife. No child. Nothing but a job that felt like a fucking chore.

And for the first time in years, I let myself break down. I cried, sliding down to the ground with my back against the counter while I cried for the things I lost. The things that I had given freely.

I hadn't realized when I slept off in the middle of the kitchen still in my clothes and shoes until it was afternoon.

My back ached and so did my head like I had slammed it against something repeatedly.

My throat felt dry and I stood up, glancing at the mess I had made last. A reminder of how pitiful I was.

I glanced at the ring around my finger and made up my mind to start with that at least. It had been around my finger for five years -surely, it would be hard to take off.

With a dejected sigh, I cleaned up the kitchen and took a shower, washing my hair. As I stood under the warm streams of water, I thought about her.

It was such a random thought but somehow, it put me in a better mood. I didn't know her personally and I couldn't help but wonder if we'd run into each other again.

I could never imagine a woman so beautiful. She was visibly younger than I was. Much much younger and it didn't help that she was -probably- a student at the university.

I pushed my hair back and raised my head, letting the warm water hit my face as I remembered her scent. Sweet and fruity.

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