Eight - Euphoria And Anxiety

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I couldn't believe how happy I was. I was almost convinced that maybe at the restaurant, they had slipped drugs into my food.

"Imade" I spoke her name, my voice was hoarse from not talking for a long time. I stared at her number on the screen of my phone and contemplated calling her.

I made a mental note to get a smartphone-just because she asked. I wasn't a fan of smartphones. They were distracting.

I chuckled to myself and pulled my coat off, hanging it on the coat hangar by the door. I kicked my shoes off, refusing to think about the possibly negative side of this.

She was a student at the university I was teaching. It could turn messy. I had no plans to make things messy for her. It could affect her scholarship.

"Where the fuck have you been, Teddy?" Glenna's sudden voice made my heart skip in shock before I turned to her.

"Hey, Glenn. What are you doing here?" I walked past her, wondering why she was here in the first place. We had gotten a divorce and I didn't even know she still had a key.

"I've been here all noon...waiting for you" she complained again, ignoring my question.

I sighed, walking into the living room. I turned on the TV and put it in the news channel before i sat down on the brown leather chaise lounge and turned to her.

Raven black hair put in a prim bun and a tight red dress that complimented her olive skin. Her lips, however, were a different story.

"Did you...do something...to your lips?" I wondered out loud and she sighed before sitting next to me, placing her hand on my thigh with what I assumed to be seduction in her eyes.

I couldn't tell with her lips looking like that.

"That's why I'm here. I need some money, Teddy. Deon took me to some doctor for a..." she shut her eyes, trying to remember what the process was called while my eyes were zeroed in on her lips.

I assumed Deon was her new boyfriend.

"What's the name of this thing...they inject stuff into your lips" she rambled, clearly distressed. I wanted to pull her into my arms like I would've a couple of weeks ago. Not with any carnal intention in mind, just to calm her down.

"Lip fillers?" I offered and she nodded, tears welling in her hazel eyes.

"How much do you need?" I tilted my head at her and she sighed, shrugging innocently but now, I could see through her facade.

With the divorce, she had carted away with a few thousand dollars. I was lucky to keep the house and my car because she wanted them too.

"Five thousand dollars" she said in a voice that I almost didn't hear and I nodded, eager for her to leave so that I could keep thinking about Imade.

"It's late now so, I'll get it done tomorrow. Goodnight" I let my hair loose from the bun and turned to Glenna who had a frown on her face but when she noticed that I was looking at her, it quickly raised into a 'smile'.

"You sure I can't stay-"

"No" I deadpanned and her eyes narrowed into slits. She sniffed the air, leaning close to me before she frowned.

"Wh-why do you smell like that?" She whispered. She was angry.

My brows furrowed in confusion and I brought my wrist up to my nose wondering how I smelled but I smelled nothing.

"Who is she?" Her eyes narrowed into slits and I raised a brow in confusion as to why she wanted to know who I was with when we weren't even together anymore.

"Who is the bitch, Teddy?!" She yelled before lunging at me, hands smacking my face. I flung her away from me and she unfortunately fell on the couch rather than the floor I was aiming for.

"Get out of my house before I fucking call the cops" I clenched my jaw and she sniffled before she stood up and made her way out of the house, shutting the door behind her.

I walked to lock the door before I set down on the couch and pulled my phone out, flicking it open, a smile spread on my lips so easily.

Her voice. Her eyes. Her makeup. Her body. Her smile. Everything about her was so beautiful. Feminine and soft. It was like she'd crush under my touch.

Under me.

Dialing her number, her phone rang and I wondered if she was asleep as the phone rang out continuously.

I was about to give up when she answered, slightly out of breath.

"T-Theo?" She breathed out and I gulped, shutting my eyes and wondering why I found it so...erotic.

That sound of breathlessness. My hand clenched around her throat, my lips on hers, stealing her every breath for myself.

"Hey sweetheart" I was at a loss for words. What did I say? What were the right things to say? Would she want to go out again tomorrow?

She giggled before replying.

"Hey. Just got home?" I could imagine her sitting in the center of her bed in that familiar yoga pose.

"Y-Yeah" I bit down on my lower lip and was met with silence.

"I hope you uhm really had a nice day?" I spoke without thinking and heard a small laugh on the other end. It was beautiful.

"I did. Thank you"

"Maybe we could go out for 'just lunch' tomorrow?" I asked nervously, my stomach turning and my heart pounding, creating a beat in my head.

"That's what were calling it now? Just lunch?" She laughed and I smiled, laying down on the couch. She was flirting. She was fucking flirting and I was a nervous pile of mess.

"If that's what you want it to be" I hoped she didn't think I was silly. I was met with silence and I hoped I hadn't crossed a line. It scared me to mess things up with her.

"Uh...I'm kinda busy tomorrow. Maybe some other time?" My heart dropped and so did my shoulders. My excitement dimmed and I just knew I had said something I wasn't supposed to. What exactly was it?

"Did I...did I say something wrong, sweetheart?"

"No no. I just...I don't know if we can..." she sighed and I heard something like cutleries on the other end.

'If we can what?'

"I'm not gonna act like I don't know what you want from me, Theo. I...I want the same thing but I don't think it's possible" her voice shook and my eyes widened in panic and hurt

What was I supposed to say? What did she mean by that? Did she want me to stop talking to her? Maybe I had done something wrong today? Or...

I pressed the red button, hanging up in complete panic

"Messing things up again!" I groaned and dropped the flip phone by my side as laid on my side, staring at the TV blankly as the silence slowly embraced me and pushed me into the arms of a dreadful sleep.

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